Chapter 22

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Lyanna paces up and down in her room, feeling every nerve in her body is on edge.
"Why do you look so stressed?" Cregan asks.
Lyanna keeps pacing, "Because I need to make a huge decision tonight that will affect us both."
Cregan takes her hand, "You always told me that I need to listen to the voice in my head when I don't know what to do. What does your voice tell you?"
She laughs, "I don't know. She is just as confused as I am," she stops and sighs, "If only the gods can send me a sign."

There is a knock on her door. It must be Aemond coming to escort them to dinner. Maybe she should tell him she is not feeling well, giving her more time to decide.
"Aemond, I think I..." She opens the door, but it is not Aemond waiting for her, but Aegon.
"Aegon?" she asks, confused and looks over his shoulder to see if Aemond is close by.

"My brother asked me to escort you and your brother. He had other things to do."
"Like what?"
"I don't know," he shrugs, "Do I look like my brother's keeper?"
She frowns, "You're lying to me, but it's fine. Come, Cregan."

They walk down the endless amount of hallways until they get to the doors of the dining area. Aegon stops her.
"I wanted to talk to you before dinner." he starts, "My mother is worried that the tension between my brother and I and our nephews will ruin the evening."
"And what am I supposed to do about it?"
He looks ashamed, "You are very diplomatic," he gestures with his hands, "Maybe you can help to lighten the mood."

Lyanna smiles, "With pleasure, Aegon. I love to talk."
She pushes open the doors and enters with Cregan and Aegon behind her. This time, Aemond is already there, talking to his mother. The Queen spots them and waves them over.
Lyanna is intently aware of the Princess staring at her.

Cregan hugs the Queen, who puts her arm around him, smiling.
"I already saved you a seat next to me," she says.
Aemond steps closer to her, putting his hands behind his back, trying not to touch her.
The Queen looks at Lyanna, "I've sent word to Highgarden. Hopefully, they will send a tailor within the week."
Lyanna smiles, "I can't wait. "

She scans the room, seeing how the family is split into two groups. She bites the inside of her cheek.
"Please excuse me," she tells them and walks to the other group.
Jace greets her first, giving her a tight hug that she did not expect.
"I'm sorry," he says, "You just feel like a friend already."
She laughs, "It's fine."
Lyanna smiles at the rest of the group, "I am glad you could all make it to dinner tonight."
The man who killed Vaemond Velaryon laughs, "Did they send you to soften us up?"

Lyanna holds her hand to him, "I don't think we have been introduced yet. My name is Lyanna Stark." he looks at her hand, "Stark. Don't know if you have ever heard of that name?"
Lyanna drops her hand, seeing that he won't be taking it.
"I know the Starks," he replies.
She smiles, "Then you will know we are not the ass-kissing type."
"I've heard a lot about you." the man says, "Did you kill a giant?"
Lyanna nods, "And I enjoyed every moment of it."
He stares at her, and Lyanna stares back, showing that his attempt to intimidate her will not work.

"Daemon," he says, "Brother to the King."
Lyanna smiles, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Daemon." she clasps her hands together, "As I was saying. I am glad you all made it. I hold family dear, and since I will join your family soon, I feel it important to get to know all of you."
Rhaenyra places a hand on her arm, "We are all very excited to get to know you as well. Jace and Luke told me about your kindness towards them at the training yard, "

The doors open once more, and the King enters, being carried on his chair towards the table. Everyone stops talking as he moves past them.
"We'll talk later," says Rhaenyra and nods at her, making her way to her seat.
Daemon still stands in front of her, looking her up and down.
She sighs, "You Targaryen men are all the same."
He smiles, "How so? Do we all have incredible good looks?"
She laughs, "You all love to look the clothing from a woman's body."

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