Chapter 34

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It has been three days since Jace arrived at Winterfell, and still, Lyanna can not decide what to do. She needs her men to fight the Wildlings, but she also wants to honour a vow made by her father so many years ago.

And then there is also the matter of accepting Jace's proposal to marry him. Why does she always find herself in the middle of a marriage agreement?

There is a knock on the door, and the Maester comes in. Lyanna was just busy writing a letter to the Lord Commander, asking for an update on the situation regarding the Wildlings.

"A raven arrived. It is a letter from Princess Rhaenyra." the maester hands the parchment to her.
Lyanna takes the paper, "Should this not go to Jace?"

Maester Arwen bows, "It is addressed to the Warden of the North."
He takes his leave, and Lyanna opens the note.

Lord Rickard

I hope that my son arrived and is still safe, under the protection of House Stark.
We received terrible news. My son Lucerys was murdered by the man your sister intends to marry, Prince Aemond Targaryen.
I expect you to try and persuade your sister instead to break off the engagement. I will find her a better match, more suited for her standing.
Please break the news lightly to Jacaerys.

Your Queen, Rhaenyra

Lyanna feels her legs give out under her. Sudden spasms stretch over her stomach, and she yells out in pain.

Why would he do such a thing? His nephew! Does he realise his actions have started the war she hoped would never happen?

Two maids come running into her room, hearing her screaming.
"Call for the maester! She might lose the babe." the one maid tells the other.
"No," she cries, "No, no, no! I can't lose the baby."

Maester Arwen comes running and helps her to her bed.
"Please, save the baby." she pleads and groans at another cramp in her stomach. It is all she has left of him.

"You need to breathe and calm down, my Lady. Otherwise, you will lose it."
Lyanna nods and tries to breathe deep and regular breaths.
"Think of something that will help calm you." the maid tells her.

Lyanna's mind takes her back to that morning when she woke up next to Aemond. Seeing his perfect features as she woke up was everything she always wanted.

Deep breath.

It has always been him, the person she used to rate other men against.

Deep breath.

How is it possible for him to kill his nephew, a young boy? The Aemond she knows will never do that.

Deep breath.

She ignored everyone's warnings about him. Was she so in love that she looked past the murderer inside him?

Deep breath.

The pain subsides, and she falls back into the pillows. The maid wipes the sweat from her forehead.
"You need to take it slow, Lyanna. Too much stress will cause this to happen again, but next time you won't be so lucky." the maester warns.

They leave her to rest. Lyanna tries to fall asleep, but her mind does not want to shut down.
She gets up. Jace does not know about his brother yet.
She summons him to her room. He enters cautiously.

"Yes, my bedroom is also where I hold my most important discussions." she places a hand on her stomach as she sits behind her desk, "So please don't feel strange entering my chambers."
Jace smiles, "I heard you almost lost your baby."
She still feels frail, "Yes, but I am fine now. I received a note from your mother. Well, it was for Rickard. I guess not many know of his death. But I read it nonetheless."

Jace comes closer, sitting opposite her, "What did she say?"
Lyanna doesn't know how she should break the news to him.
"She..." Lyanna starts, "She said that your brother, Luke, has died."
Lyanna can see how the blood drains from his face.
"How?" he asks.
She bite the inside of her cheek, "She does not give specifics, but she said it was by the hand of..."
Why is this so hard, she asks herself.
"By Aemond's hand."

Jace jumps up, almost throwing the chair he sat in.
"I will kill him!" he yells, "He will pay for everything."
Lyanna stands up and goes to him, putting her arms around him.
"I am so sorry, Jace. I know how it feels to lose a brother," she says, feeling him sob on her shoulder. His arms circle her, and they stand like that until Jace stops shaking.

"I need to get back to Dragonstone. My mother will need me." he looks away.
Lyanna nods, "I agree, she will need some comfort."
They walk outside together to where Jace's dragon awaits him. Seeing the sight of the dragon makes her miss her wolves even more.
"I promised you answers," she tells him as he approaches his dragon, "Please tell your mother that she can count on the North to help her as long as I can count on her to help me when I require men. I am planning a full-scale attack on the Wildlings, one to end it all. But I will need an army big enough to do it."
Jace nods," That sounds like a fair exchange. "
He climbs his dragon.

"And I will accept the marriage proposal." she sees Jace's face light up, "But only for the sole purpose of keeping my child safe."
He nods, "That is the terms I gave you. Thank you, Lyanna. My mother will be delighted by all the news. Something she can look forward to after the heartbreak."

Jace flies away, leaving Lyanna in the gust of wind his dragon made.


That night, Lyanna wakes up after having horrible nightmares. She pushes herself up from the bed, placing her face in her hands. This is not how she imagined her life to be like.

There is a sudden ringing in her ears, and before Lyanna can figure out why, her eyes roll back into her head, and she opens her eyes to another creature's body.
She can feel it is him.

He is running as fast as she told Aemond they can run. Then she sees Winterfell in the distance. They are coming home!

Lyanna forces herself from his mind, getting out of bed and putting on a warm coat. She runs outside, standing in the courtyard. Waiting.

Then her black direwolf comes running in, almost running over her. Shadow licks her face, soft whimpering noises escaping his throat.
"I missed you too," she says and buries her face in his neck. The other three wolves also dart in and give Lyanna a similar greeting.

They are all home now. Her heart can now start to heal. Lyanna walks with them to the Godswood, sitting with them for a while, entering each one's mind to find out what happened to them after she left. Ever since she came back to Winterfell, her abilities only became stronger. Her visions are more precise and easier to understand.

Her heart is still breaking, knowing her dearest Luna could have also been here. She needs more time to prepare her army, and all the Wildlings will die.

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