Chapter 46

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Slowly Lyanna open her eyes, feeling her mind ache and closing them again. Trying to focus on anything around her hurts.

"How is she?" she hear Rhaenyra's voice.
"She has been in and out of consciousness. She will wake up soon enough. All she need is rest."
She has no idea who the other voice belong to.
"Aemond." she groan, trying to open her eyes again.

Rhaenyra rush to her side, taking her hand.
"Lyanna, can you hear me?" Rhaenyra asks.
Lyanna try to open her eyes again, seeing the blurry outline of Rhaenyra in front of her.
Lyanna nods, "I can."
Rhaenyra sigh, "You had us all worried. It is good to hear your voice."

Even though it hurts, she try to push herself up from the uncomfortable place she is lying on. But Rhaenyra push her back down.
"Please, you have to rest."
"Where is Aemond?" she asks.
No one answer her and she start getting angry.
"Where is he?" she almost shout.

Rhaenyra sigh, "He is fine, but he got wounded after landing with Vhagar. An arrow shot him, he is also still recovering from his wounds."
Lyanna groan, "Take me to him."
She works harder to get her eyes to focus, but nothing works. Is this how she will be seeing the world now? Is this the sacrifice she had to make to change fate?

"As soon as you are better you can go and see him. But first you need to rest."
Lyanna close her eyes, finding it not difficult to fall asleep again. At least she saved him. He is alive.


It took Lyanna a few days to fully recover. Her mind feel less painful today. The room around her is cold and it feels like there is a draft in the room. She wish someone can close the window.

A soft stroking sensation tingle on her hand and she move her fingers, thinking it to be her imagination. But the feeling gets replaced by her hand being fully taken by another.
"Lyanna," she hear her name. A tear slip down her cheek as she open her eyes, being able to fully focus again.

The face of the man she loves coming into focus.
"Aemond," she sobs, throwing her arms around him, groaning at the strain of moving her muscles. He holds onto her.
"Welcome back." he says, stroking her cheek.
Lyanna laugh, "I'm so glad you are alive."

He smiles, "Thanks to you. I don't know how you did it. I felt how hard you fought with Vhagar, to control her."
Lyanna sigh and lie back down again, "Vhagar is a bitch."
He laughs, "An old one." he kiss the top of her hand, "A few days ago I thought I was going to lose you. Even after I got shot, I came here everyday, seeing you fighting for your life. The maester not knowing how to help you."

"Where are we?" Lyanna ask looking around her.
"We are still at Harrenhal. Aegon, Helaena, my mother... Everyone is here. Rhaenyra is busy with discussions about how to move forward without any more lives being lost."
"Good," Lyanna say and put a hand on her head, "That's good. What about Daemon?"

Aemond's eye darken, "He is locked up. Rhaenyra don't trust him enough to let him roam free." he stands up, "I still can't believe you saved him."
"I had to, Aemond. If he died and you lived Rhaenyra wouldn't be doing what she is doing now. She loves him no matter how imperfect he is."

Lyanna push herself up, getting to her feet. Feeling the world spinning, but not enough to make her fall.
"I want to see her." Lyanna say, taking Aemond's arm, "Please take me to her."

Aemond nod, but pull her in for a kiss first. His hand slide down her back, pushing her against him.
"I truly am lucky to have such a unique woman like you." he say and lead her to the room where the discussions are being held. Lyanna hold onto Aemond's arm as they enter. Everyone going quiet as she enter.

Alicent rush to her, throwing her arms around Lyanna.
"My daughter, I am so glad you are awake." Alicent put her hands on Lyanna's cheeks, "How are you feeling?"
Lyanna smile, "I feel like I want to fall down, but otherwise I feel like myself again."

Rhaenyra smile at her, "Maybe we need an extra voice to help us decide what should happen next."
Aemond help Lyanna to find a place to sit.
"What have you been discussing up until this point?"
"Who should sit on the iron throne." Aegon say and also sit down, "Since we have both been crowned already."
Lyanna sigh and rub her leg, "Why don't you ask the men who follow you who they want on the throne. Why must you decide?"

Rhaenyra fold her arms, "Because it is better if we can solve this in a civil way so there are no hard feelings when we leave here. Someone needs to rule the seven kingdoms."
"Six kingdoms." Lyanna say, "The North is not yours to rule anymore."

"You can't just decide that on your own. A king or queen can decide that." Rhaenyra say.
Lyanna laugh, "Why don't we go call all the lords that are loyal to my house and ask them what they think? The North will not be ruled by a Southern King or Queen."

Aegon nods, "I agree, the North need to be ruled on its own. They already have their Queen," he looks at her, "And it will be ruled well."
"Thank you, Aegon." Lyanna say and stand up, "Look, I am in no position to say who I think should be ruling, especially after what happened here because of Daemon."

Lyanna close her eyes, thinking back on her experience here.
"Rhaenyra, I know what Daemon did is not your fault. But the men outside won't see it like that. I believe you would make a better Queen than Aegon would make a King, but you will need to prove yourself again." Lyanna look at Aegon, "I'm sorry."

He just nods.
"How do you want me to prove myself?" she asks.
"Well, firstly, to make the North its own kingdom. That is a big decision and one you will be respected for. It will show you are not as power hungry as you seem. Then you need to show everyone that you have forgiven your family, by letting them live and letting them go. "

Rhaenyra laughs,"You want me to let Aegon, Alicent and Aemond go after everything they did?"
Lyanna fold her arms, starting to walk around the room.
"Yes, that is exactly what I am saying."
She feel her wolves closeby and instruct them to come in.
Shadow enter first, baring his teeth at everyone before going to Lyanna's side.

"Even if you think what they did is treason, I will not let you harm them. They are my family now." Lyanna turn to Rhaenyra, "And I will only support your claim if you let them go. I don't want to force you. It won't be nice of me to do that." she touch Shadow and he give a loud growl towards Rhaenyra.

"Where would you suggest I let them live. I don't want them close to me."
"Winterfell," she answers, "It is as much their home as it is mine."
Rhaenyra laugh, "You want the North to be ruled independently and let my biggest enemies live there? You must think me stupid."

Lyanna cross over to her, "You don't have much of a choice, Rhaenyra. If you do not do as I ask then I will come for you and I will kill you. I don't want to be your enemey, but after everything, we can't be friends."

Rhaenyra stare at Lyanna, "Are you threatening your Queen?"
"I am not threatening you, I am making you a promise." Lyanna step closer, closing the space between them, "And you are not my Queen. Just a Queen that I will not bow down to."

Lyanna walk away from here, aiming to sit down again, feeling dizzy from the walking.
"Or I could just kill all of you."
Lyanna stop and sigh, "And how do you think you will be able to do that?"
"I have a dragon who can burn you all  to crisps."

Lyanna start laughing, so hard her laughter echoes through the room. Everyone is looking at her, concerned.
"You mean this dragon?" Lyanna use all her energy to grab hold of Rhaenyra's dragon, making her roar loudly at the feeling. Rhaenyra can feel the connection and grab her head.

"I said I don't want to be your enemy, Rhaenyra. Just do as I say and we can both get what we want. You get your throne, and I get the North."

Rhaenyra groan and try to fight the feeling in her head, but eventually she nods.
Lyanna lets go,"Your dragons can't harm me." she say and walk out of the room, "Not anymore."
It is time they go home. They have stayed here long enough.

The Wolf Queen - Part 1 (Aemond Targaryen)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora