Chapter 7

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Lyanna runs out, taking deep breaths of the fresh air outside the Keep. She needs to straighten her head so she can think properly.

"This can't be happening," she whispers and starts pacing. How is it possible for things to go so wrong? All she wanted was a few fighting men! Not to get married to the second-born son of the King. Marriage was and is not something she wanted. Her duty is not to be a wife and a mother but a warrior and a protector. She always believed that the gods had a purpose for her to protect the North, to fight for it and keep it under the rule of House Stark. That is what she is born to do. That is her destiny.

"Lyanna," she hears her name, but she does not look at who is talking to her. She knows it's him. Now that she has listened to his voice for the first time in so long, she won't ever be able to forget it.
"Not now, Aemond," she says bluntly and keeps pacing up and down.

How will she fulfil her destiny and keep her oath to her father if she is to marry a Southern Prince and move hundreds of miles away from her home?

"Let's talk about this somewhere more private," Aemond adds.
She looks at him, "Please, Aemond. I need to think about this."
He steps closer, "Let me help you make your decision. You are not the only one affected by this."
With a sigh, she nods, "Fine."

Aemond leads her away from all the prying eyes at the Keep and heads towards the gardens. No one says a word on the way there. As they enter the park, many lords and ladies of the court turn to look at them. The ladies all curtsy to Aemond as they walk past, and many envious looks are shot in Lyanna's direction. She bites the inside of her cheek to prevent her from laughing. How flattering that they think she is a threat.

"Looks like you have become quite popular," Lyanna says, smiling.
"It is the title they are after."
She steals a look in his direction. She looks at his perfectly shaped face, long silver hair, posture, and hands. She tries to imagine what he has hidden beneath his clothing but shakes the thought away.
"Sure they are," she says, looking away.

They finally stopped under a big tree with a bench overlooking the coastline. Aemond looks around, ensuring no one can eavesdrop on them.
"It is s..." he starts, but Lyanna wraps her arms around his body, placing her head against his chest. She listens to the rhythmic sound of his heartbeat, feeling calmer instantly.
He slowly wraps his arms around her, his hand stroking her back.
She takes a deep breath and steps away, "I've wanted to do that since I saw you. How have you been, Aemond?"

A frown sets between his eyes, "Not the reaction I expected from someone who would rather face the Wildlings on her own than marry me."
Her smile disappeared, "Here I thought my only childhood friend would be glad to see me."
"I'm not one for sentimentalities."
She steps away, folding her arms, "Well then. Let's talk business and get it over with."

"It might not be what we want, but it is not a bad idea for us to get married. It would benefit both our houses."
Lyanna shakes her head, "You are truly becoming the pawn you always feared. At least I have the freedom to choose."
"Do you? Are you aware your brother is looking to find you a husband? My mother has spies everywhere."
Her blood starts to boil, "He is going to enjoy watching me feed my wolves," she says to herself, "I still have the freedom to choose. My brother knows he can't force me into anything. Otherwise, I will join the Night's Watch."
Lyanna starts pacing again.

"If I remember correctly, you said you don't want to marry someone you don't know."
She laughs, "We also said we will marry each other. I remember. I thought you said you are not one for sentimentalities."
"I am not. I am merely bringing up a fact. Eventually, you won't have any other option but to get married to someone. Rather, choose someone you know." Aemond's eye follow her as she paces, "Can you please stand still?"
"If it bothers you, then don't look at me." she hisses, "It helps me think."

He grunts, "I am not trying to force you into anything, Lyanna. But I know my family. I don't trust them. You know I will help you fight the Wildlings on dragon back when the day comes."
She stops and looks at him, "Don't do this, Aemond. You know how desperate I am. I guess it is no secret. Don't use it against me."
"The choice is yours." he starts walking away, "I recommend you make up your mind quickly. My mother doesn't like to wait."

"What do you gain from this? Since I will gain your dragon."
He stops and looks over his shoulder. Without a word, he leaves, leaving Lyanna fuming and more confused than she was. She has no idea what to do.
The worst part is that she hardly recognised the man before her. There are no traces left of the outstanding young boy he was. Eventually, she will find out where he is. Somewhere deep inside that rock-hard exterior, she will find the boy she once knew.

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