Chapter 25

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Elise started her first day the next morning. Lyanna was very happy to see her, already having an errand to run.

"I need you to buy me the following items on this list," Lyanna says and gives her a small piece of paper.
Elise reads the note, "This is all the ingredients to bake bread with."
Lyanna nods, "I know," she takes out a bag with money in it and hands it to her.
"This is a lot of items, Lyanna. I am going to need a wagon to bring it all back."
"I already arranged with one of the servants to accompany you. He should have the wagon and horse ready by now."

Elise smiles and nods, "Then I will see you later."
Lyanna watches as she leaves. Today is going to be a hectic day. First, she needs to go and have breakfast with the Queen and Helaena in the garden; then, she must send invitations to all the guests, having to write each invitation by hand.

Just thinking about what she needs to do gives her a headache. She would rather wear her riding leathers and go down to the training yard.

Lyanna opens her bedroom door, greeting the guard stationed outside. Since she got attacked the other night, Aemond decided a guard should be close to her at all times, at least when she leaves the castle's protection.
"You can stay here. I am only going to the Queen," she tells the guard and walks off. She passes the first corner when suddenly she gets pulled back into the darkness of the hall, a hand over her mouth.

"It's just me, My Lady." she hears Robert's voice as she starts to kick and fight back.
She turns around, "You know you can talk to me in public. No one will think it strange."
He sighs, "I found him."
A cold feeling seeps into her body, "Where is he?"
Robert looks around, "He told me he will find you tonight. To just be ready for him."

Lyanna nods, knowing what that means and feeling afraid of it.
"Thank you, Robert." she turns around, "I will look for you when I need you."

She walks towards the garden. Tonight will be a harrowing night, knowing her old teacher will contact her by taking control of her mind. It is something Cregan should not see; he needs to be somewhere else.

Lyanna quickly detours, looking for Aemond and finding him in the library.
"Reading again?" she asks.
He looks up at her, "Again?"
She bites her lip, "My first day in King's Landing, I spied on you through a dove." she points at the window above them, "I was sitting right there, looking at you."
He laughs and says, "My mother spoke to me this morning about the wedding. Are you fine with it being next week?"

Lyanna nods, "Yes, I don't mind when it is. I'm not here to discuss the wedding," she touches the book on the table, "I need you to take care of Cregan tonight."
He frowns, "Are you planning on going somewhere again?"
She shakes her head, "No, it is far worse than that," she can see the confused expression on his face, "I had an informant search for my old teacher, the Greenseer. He was able to find him, but the older man did not come to King's Landing. He is going to contact me by connecting with my mind."

Aemond nods, "You don't want Cregan to see it when it happens?"
She shakes her head, "No, because it is excruciating. He has only done it to me a few times, and every time my nose bleeds, more than is normal, my body shakes. It is not nice to see."
"I'll take care of him tonight. I think my mother would appreciate our company."
Lyanna smiles, "Thank you."
She kisses him, pulling him against her. His hands slide down her back.
"I need to go and meet your mother and sister, and I am already late," she says and lets go of him.

"I won't be far away if you need me."
Lyanna walks off, still dreading what is to come.


That night, Lyanna prepares for bed, like she does every night. But tonight, she is more on edge, waiting for that sting to hit her.

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