Chapter 3

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On Friday, Harry picked Scarlet up from school and headed over to the indoor arena where the prodigy was playing. This was their final game to qualify to complete for a spot at the championship. If they won this game, if they beat the Little Rovers, they were in the running.

Scarlet kissed Harry's cheek and then joined the rest of her team while Harry joined Niall, Liam, and Sophia in the stands. The game started and people cheered as the game progressed.

There was only ten second left and the score was tied 5-5.

Scarlet got in possession of the ball and hurried it closer to the goal. Harry watched she began to do the move they had been taught. Everyone was cheering as she swung her leg back for the kick.

Suddenly a bigger player from the other team tackled her, knocking her to the ground. A few seconds later the buzzer sounded to end the game. Harry, Niall, Liam, and Sophia were on their feet, watching and waiting for Scarlet to get up.

The coach and ref hurried towards her and Harry's view was blocked by the rest of the team.

"It appears number 14 is still down on the field..." One of the commentators said over the speakers in the arena.

"The coach is calling for the emergency team." Another said as the coach waved at someone across the field.

"Shit! Shit, shit, shit!" Harry exclaimed and began pushing past people. "Move, move, please, move."

Harry darted across the field and dropped down next to his sobbing daughter who had her face pressed into the artificial turf; her hands clutching her knee. He soothed some of her stray-away hair from her face and tried to calm her down as the emergency team approached.

Harry rode in the ambulance with Scarlet while Niall, Liam, and Sophia followed in their vehicles. The hospital took Scarlet back as soon as she arrived and took her into the x-ray room immediately. Fifteen minutes later they brought Scarlet into the room where Harry was waiting and gave her something for the pain she was in. They waited in the room for thirty minutes before a doctor finally walked in.

"Hello, you must be Scarlet, I'm Doctor Murphey." The doctor greeted as he stepped into the room with a clipboard in his hand. "So I've looked over your x-rays and thankfully nothing was broken. However, you did sprain your knee. It's a level two sprain so it won't require surgery."

"So what does she do?" Harry questioned from where he sat on the bed next to Scarlet.

"Well, we're going to ice her knee for a little bit here and then wrap it. I'd like her to use crutches for a bit. I don't want her to use them all the time though because then the muscle will get weaker, but if it hurts too much to walk then she can use them." Dr. Murphey explained taking a towel wrapped ice pack from the nurse that walked in and placing it on Scarlet's knee.

"Crutches!?" Scarlet squawked. "I can't be on crutches and play football!"

"I'm afraid you're not going to be able to play for a few months at minimum." Dr. Murphey said and received a wide eyed look from the little girl.

"What!?" She exclaimed looking over at Harry as though willing him to do something, anything, so that the doctor would say she could play.

"I'm sorry lovebug but you have to let it heal." Harry smiled sadly at her.

"Your dad is right. You must let your knee heal properly. If you were to take another blow, it would more than likely require surgery to fix the damage and that would result in at least a year off from playing. Right now I would estimate about four to six months." Dr. Murphey said pulling out a wrap for Scarlet's knee.

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