Chapter 28

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That weekend Harry and Louis dropped Scarlet off with Sophia since Liam and Niall were busy and set off to shop for the baby's room.

"Have you got an idea of what kind of stuff you want to get?" Louis questioned as they walked into Babies-R-Us.

"Well, I figure we'll probably get a lot of clothes and such from the baby shower in two weeks so today I thought we'd just shop for her crib, a dresser, a chair, and maybe some decorations for her room." Harry replied as their hands swung, laced between them.

"Alright then." Louis smiled grabbing a trolley.

They headed off towards the cribs first. There's a bunch set up for parents to look at and Harry eyes every single one of them. As they walked around looking at them, he deems them too dark, too fake looking, too unsafe looking, or just plain ugly. It's quite literally the last one they look at that Harry falls in love with.

It's solid wood painted white and it's set up with a mattress and a soft pink bumper so the baby can't get its arms through the slats. It's perfect and Harry smiled over at Louis who nodded his head and waved over an employee to get the box for them.

"Have you decided on a colour scheme for her room?" Louis questioned after the employee had gotta the crib and placed it in their trolley.

"Yeah, and this goes perfectly especially if we get that plush bumper they had going around the inside. I wanted to do a soft grey, soft pink, and white." Harry answered as they walked through the store.

"Sounds pretty." Louis smiled, turning into the isle with little mattresses and bumpers.

They selected everything from the isle that they would need and then set off for whatever was next. Eventually Harry sat down in one of the chairs they had out for people to look at. It's pale grey just like Harry wanted and it rocks easy. He placed a hand over his swollen stomach and took a few deep breaths. It's a little easier lugging around the extra weight this time but not by much. He swears he's bigger and this little one is definitely kicking more.

"You alright Haz?" Louis questioned sitting down in the rocker next to the one Harry was sat in.

"Mhmm... she's just kicking a lot." Harry murmured, rubbing his hand over his stomach trying to soothe the restless baby.

Louis stood back up from the rocker and moved to kneel down next to Harry's. Reaching out, he rubbed his hand over Harry's tummy and leaned in close.

"Hey little girl, daddy and I are trying to shop for you right now. We gotta get everything ready for you, you'll be here in two months." Louis spoke, nuzzling Harry's clothed baby belly gently. "It'd be awesome if you could calm down a smidge in there, least until we get home."

It's almost instant that the baby stops kicking so much and Harry sighed in relief. His free hand went to the back of Louis' neck, his fingers scratching gently at the base of his head.

"Thanks Lou. Always listens to you." Harry commented and Louis stood up so he could bend over and kiss Harry's lips.

"Anything for my babies." Louis replied then helped Harry stand up. "Do you like this chair?"

"I do, it's comfortable, think it'll be perfect for rocking her to sleep." Harry nodded reaching out to check the price tag but Louis stopped him.

"Don't. Don't even look at the price of anything, just get whatever you want. I want everything to be perfect. I want her to be comfortable and you to be comfortable" Louis said, pulling Harry's hand away from the price tag.

"But Louis..." Harry started but Louis shook his head.

"Nope. Please, Harry, get what you want and don't think about the price." Louis insisted, pulling him close to kiss his temple.

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