Chapter 23

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By the time September came around, they were completely done making modifications to their house. Walls had been painted and furniture had been replaced to things that Harry and Louis agreed on. The wall going around the property and the large gate blocking the driveway had been a blessing, still, after two months of living there, no paps have been on the property, course that could also have something to do with the warning that the property is under video surveillance.

Either way, Harry hasn't been this happy since the day he first held Scarlet in his arms...


_"F-Fuck!" Harry yelled, doubling over as much as he could with his swollen belly._

_"What's wrong Haz?" Niall questioned worriedly, turning to his best mate._

_Harry can't even get out a response before another contraction is hitting him full force._

_"Shit! Shit you're in labour!" Niall yelped springing off the sofa. "Okay let me just get your bag and I'll call your mum on the way... Shit, it's gonna be alright just deep breaths, yeah, deep breaths Harry."_

_Niall ran to Harry's bedroom and grabbed the duffel bag that had been prepared for whenever Harry went into labour. He ran back to the living room and helped Harry up, leading him out to the car. Once they were on the road to the hospital, Niall called Anne._

_"Hello?" She answered on the second ring._

_"HARRY'S IN LABOR!" Niall yelped as he sped up to go through a yellow light._

_"Oh my gosh, okay I'm on my way." Anne rushed out, already rushing out of her office._

_"We're headed to the hospital." Niall responded and then hung up the phone._

_"Drive faster Niall! She's not gonna fucking wait much longer before she tries to come out herself!" Harry exclaimed once another contraction faded away._

_"My goal is to get all of us there alive!" Niall stated but sped up a little anyways._

_When they got to the hospital, Niall jetted out of the car and ran for a wheelchair, returning a moment later and helping Harry into it. He hurried them back inside and there's already two nurses waiting for them._

_"Here." One of the nurses said shoving a gown at Niall._

_"What? I'm not the father!" Niall yelped._

_"Do you want him to go through it alone?" The nurse questioned and Niall looked at her horrified before slipping the gown on and hurrying after them._

_They had Harry laid out on a hospital table prepping him for the C-section when Niall got there. He sent a text to Anne letting her know he was with Harry and then moved to stand beside his best friend who was crying from pain._

_"Shh Hazza, it'll be alright... she's gonna be here soon." Niall tried to calm his friend, reaching out to hold Harry's hand because he knew that somebody needed to - Harry needed that._

_"Can you feel this Harry?" The doctor questioned pressing scalpel to Harry's skin._

_"No." Harry replied._

_"Fantastic, we can get started now." The doctor said._

_It doesn't take very long at all before piercing cries fill the room and Harry is crying all over again at the sound of his daughter. Niall can't really help but cry at what he's witnessed and Harry crying doesn't help - he's so happy for him._

_"Weight is seven pounds six ounces, length is nineteen point four inches; born March fifteenth at one-forty-five PM." One of the nurses says, writing everything down. "What's her name dear?"_

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