Chapter 31

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It's a flash of white that Louis' eyes barely have time to register.

And if Louis' being real honest... he has never ever heard a growl like that come out of a dog. It's angry and vicious and loud. His brain caught up and he blinks in time to see Sugar lunge at Chad, teeth bared. It's enough of a distraction for Harry to roll away, whimpering softly at the pain in his left hip from hitting the concrete, and for Louis to run to his side.

"Baby, are you okay?" Louis questioned touching his face and side, quickly looking him over.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Harry assured him, rain beating down and weighing down his curls.

A low, deep growl earned their attention and they turned to see Sugar standing, looking ready to attack again, guarding them and their home. Her fur would be on end if it weren't for the rain plastering it to her body.

Chad had blood trailing down his arm from where Sugar had sank her teeth into him when she attacked him. He's angry, that much is obvious and he's contemplating how to get to Louis, that much is clear as well.

The thunder was rolling above them, loud and cutting through the night with flashes of bright lightning. Chad can't get to them. Every time he so much as moves an inch, Sugar is there, ready to attack him again. She doesn't give an inch even when he yells at her. Flashing lights at the gate catch Sugars attention for a split second and it's long enough for Chad to make a beeline for Louis, tackling him to the ground.

"Louis!" Harry yelled hearing one of the two men on the wet concrete grunt in pain.

"You worthless piece of shit!" Chad yelled above the weather. "I should've killed you when I had the chance!"

Harry heard another grunt of pain and he knows it's Louis'. It's stupid, he thinks, as he helplessly watches - not sure what to do, who's bright idea was it to let criminals work out in jail? Who's bright idea was it to let them build muscles when shit like this happens. It just means they can do more damage.

"Should've killed that worthless trash you were so in love with too. Should've gotten rid of that freak and it's abomination when I had the chance!" Chad yelled, hitting Louis over and over again.

The gates opened suddenly and Harry glanced up at the open front door in time to see Scarlet running back to the stairs. She had obviously seen the cops arrive and realized they couldn't get in unless somebody opened the gate.

It doesn't take long at all once the cars are inside. There are men in uniform jumping out of the vehicles, hands on their guns as they ran towards the fighting pair on the ground. They heaved Chad off of Louis, both of them are bloodied in some form - Chad with a broken nose and Louis with a busted lip and some bruises.

Harry hurried forward to help Louis up, steady tears making their way down his cheeks. Louis curled an arm around Harry quickly and pulled him into his side, hushing him and whispering that he was okay.

There's a paramedic since Scarlet had said her dad was being hurt and they coaxed Louis away from Harry long enough to clean up his lip and make sure he was physically fine before letting him return to his boyfriends side.

"Mr. Tomlinson, can you tell us what happened here tonight? We understand you've had a run in with this man before which is the reason he was in jail." A police officer questioned Louis.

"He came here, broke into our home, and had the intention of kidnapping my two month old daughter. I offered myself up to save her... I knew if I didn't I wouldn't ever see her again and I'd do anything to protect my girls." Louis answered the officer calmly, keeping his arm tight around Harry who was pressed against him and unwilling to ever let go it seemed.

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