Sign 2 Daddy

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I warn you of the acts of the flesh

'Summer. Blue flowers grow on the reef. And the ocean waves constantly hit them, making their roots weak, making them fall from the rock, and within a few days, they died. As I walk on that wet, morning beach that summer, I find myself in a deep fog, surrounding me. And my feet constantly thumped by gentle waves, their back and forth motions, reaching the back of knees, where only the sun could reach.

Acidic fog.

It was beginning to hurt me. But I didn't do anything to move. All I ever had to do,


Was to move.

"I'm sorry, papa,"

My vision blurs, and I trip and fall into a small pond, surrounded by the reef. I push myself up on all fours and turn back to look at tiny rocks falling on me through the reef. And I sink into the pond, when I wake up again, I find myself in a grave. And outside that grave, I saw a man with no eyes, holding all those stones in his arms. He dropped all of them at once, picked up his large, teakwood stick, and began hitting me as if forcing me to fit him in a grave that was half my size. And it hurt, every time his stick would hit me, it would bring one traumatic flashback right in front of me. It feels like I'm stuck in time, stuck behind while everyone else got their closure.

In that huge mustard-yellow terrain, with no vegetation surrounding us, that man was crying and drooling on himself, while hitting me. And I remembered,


So, I curled myself up in that grave, and he seemed happy to see me there. And that was where I stayed for the next few weeks of my life. I couldn't believe that I was stuck there, in a dream. Praying I would soon wake up.

It's been days since I'm all shrivelled. The only time I see the man with no eyes is when he would come to my grave every day, and throw all his faeces in my grave, right beside me. It began to stick and attracted all sorts of insects, and everytime I tried to fight back, I-

I just saw my father. Standing there, looking at me. Looking at where I was.
In dirt.
I felt so dirty, so humiliated.

The monster with no eyes would dump his pool of refuse in my grave every day. His fingers were not separated, making his hands look like claws, and they were dressed in a shroud, wrapped around his torso. He was so skinny, I could see his ribs and the bones on his face protruding outwards. But oddly, he grew in size every day and became and stronger.

And soon, I realised, I was beginning to resemble him. Resemble the one that tormented me. I hated that I become something that I hate. Would I soon lose my eyes too? Would I then torment other souls like me? Once my grave was full of his waste, he passed me his teakwood stick and gestured to till, to dig it deeper. Under that morning sun, while I was digging my grave with him standing beside him, I felt so... pathetic.

The deeper I dig, the bigger he becomes. I tell myself it's going to be okay, like I always do. And I remember mother hugging me inside the tiny closet that dad would lock me in for hours, hugging me and lying to me, that it was going to be okay. And I see father, I feel him on top of me, beating me left and right. My body is black and blue, and my tears reverberate the desperation in my soul. I scream, because I want to be free of this dirty body and this ruthless mind. Cruel. I've been so cruel to myself, wishing I could like women.

But daddy, I don't like women.
It's a part that I can't kill.

So, I have to kill you before you kill me!
And If one of us must die, you ought to know that I love you, daddy. I'm sorry I couldn't be the Cyril Edwards you found worthy of your love.

So, I drop the teakwood stick and turn back at the huge monster, "Why did you stop?!" He groaned and the sky seemed to shake. Why did I indeed, I wondered, "Because I'm tired of telling myself that it's going to be okay,

Now, I will make it okay.
And for that to happen, you need to go," My eyes felt so wide open, and my body glowed just like how it did when I came into this dream. I felt a tingly electric current flowing throughout my body, and the monster with no eyes rose his foot to crush me beneath him, and he roared, and the whale jumped out of the body through the pores of my entire body, and collided with the monster's leg, piercing through his body. Soon, all the eyeless skeletons from the graves ran towards me, but something made me brave.

And I picked up the teakwood, held it firmly in my hand and soon as one of them approached me, I swung my arms and smash!

And suddenly, I saw a vision of green eyes opening wide.

It made my head spin and fell on the floor, with blood dripping down my eyes. The whale defeated all those skeletons, and then gave a loud shriek of victory as bits and pieces of those were still floating in the air...As if we were underwater. I looked up at it and it looked down at me, that must have been the first time we looked into each other's eyes.

I got up and reached out for its face. I touched it gently, "Thank you...For always saving me," It continued looking at me, and I looked at it. At him. His fins were a beautiful shade of crystal blue, and a glimmering blue body like a huge, blue diamond and his scales made its gleam appear as a gentle twinkling as if it held stars in its body. He was so beautiful.

"Who are you?" I asked, "And...What have I done to deserve your protection?"
But we both just looked at each other, "Are-Are you hurt anywhere?"I began to hear distant music, the one you hear in midnight carnivals, with the Ferris wheel spinning into eternity, and he slowly fall asleep to the music.
"Cyril" I heard the ocean echoing my name, "Cyril,"

"No, wait, please help me...I have to find Tristian, don't go yet!" I screamed until everything disappeared into the darkness. I opened my eyes and looked at the small sea shells. And Tristian was laying on the sand beside me. I reached my hands towards his face, "Tristian..." He opened his eyes, "Cyril?"
I sprung up and realised that we were right between the coral reefs. The storm was a bit calmer now. It was morning already and we could hear police sirens across the city behind us. Yet I felt like we were both the only two left alive.

"I made it," Tristian looked at himself in disbelief, "I almost thought I died in that water," I looked back and saw the whale's tail curving across my waist, I couldn't help but smile, "Thank you,"
Tristian looked at me, "Did you save me?"

I smiled, "I wish I did,"
I wanted to keep you a secret.

-To be continued

-To be continued

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Undercover Blue Riot

Undercover Blue Riot (Transmigration)Where stories live. Discover now