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Leonora Lesso x Female!reader | Mother: Evil Queen |Reader is an Never Student | Fluff | Reader wants to please everyone | Triggers: Suicidal thoughts| 

Todays the day we get our finger glow. I'm nervous. I'm already a strong witch as it is, I don't want to lose control again. When it happens It's like an overwhelming force takes over and I'm powerless to stop it. Ironic really. When I finally gain control over my powers, I feel weak and useless. I'm exhausted. I hate it. I have to make her proud! That's what I have to tell myself. That's what I hate, the feeling. 

I can't be weak. I've never been allowed to. I don't want the finger glow - I have to have it. I decide not to go to breakfast, instead I grab my cloak and walk into the forest. There was a few hours before the finger glow ceremony so I knew I'd have to enjoy it while it lasted. Some distance into the forest, I climb up a tree and look at the sunrise. Colours dancing across the sky. It's never bothered. Never harassed. I'd give anything to be like that.

I'm so entrapped in my thoughts that I don't realise the time. I finally take out my pocket watch, I've missed my first lesson and part of my second. I might as well well just miss my second completely. The ceremony is after lunch so I do have some more time to spend by myself. I carry on listening to the forest sounds, not caring much about anything else. I couldn't be bothered to deal with people today- they're stressful and force unreal expectations on me that I'd rather avoid entirely. The forest is the one place that doesn't judge or expect me to do anything.

The reapers made me feel weak in the beginning. Attacking and Fighting me but I kept coming here. Overtime they chose to ignore my presence as if I was part of the forest. I continue to sit in the tree and think about everything : what people are expecting of me, who I need to be proud, soon the thoughts became darker - how much I hate myself, If anyone cared if I died, the best way to kill myself. I was so wrapped up in my dark thoughts that I didn't notice the distant call of my name from Lady Lesso. I only snapped out of my explosive trance by flapping wings of a bat - I'm guessing it was Lady Lesso's pet. 

"Yes Lady Lesso?" I climb down from the tree and straighten my black and grey lace dress. Planted a fake smile on my face and faced the dean.

dress option 1~

Dress option 2~

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Dress option 2~

Dress option 2~

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My Darling ~Lady Lesso oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now