Request 4- Childish Dean~

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Request by <<@DepressoLatte14131    >>

Lady Leonora Lesso x Female!reader | Mother: N/A |Father: N/A| Reader is a Never | Reader is a student | teacher x student relationship | Child lesso|

Chaos reigned supreme within the hallowed halls of the School for Evil as a bewildered Y/N L/N surveyed the scene. The typically imposing and enigmatic Dean Leonora Lesso had vanished, leaving behind a trail of havoc in her wake.

 The cause? A simple, yet disastrous, mistake made by one of her mischievous students.

Y/N, determined to find their missing lover , acquired assistance from Clarissa Dovey. Together, they embarked on a search for the wayward child version of Leonora.In the depths of the forbidden forest, they discovered a whimsical scene that contrasted with the severity of their usual surroundings.

 There, amidst the pandemonium, stood a small figure dressed in an oversized suit—Leonora, transformed into a child.

With tender concern etched on their face, Y/N approached the pint-sized dean, their heart aching at the sight. "Leonora, it's Y/N. We need to get you back to normal," they said, kneeling down to be at eye level with her.Leonora blinked her wide, innocent eyes, her tiny voice tinged with confusion. "Y/N? What happened? Everything is so... strange." Leonora could barely look at the brightly coloured blob next to the pretty girl.Clarissa stepped forward, her expression a mix of amusement and concern. "It seems one of your students cast a spell, accidentally regressing you into a child. Don't worry, we'll find a way to fix it," she reassured them, her voice filled with determination. As Y/N and Clarissa brainstormed on how to restore Leonora to her adult form, they quickly realized that handling a child dean was no easy task. Leonora's curiosity knew no bounds as she explored every nook and cranny, causing messes at every turn. But Y/N and Clarissa embraced the challenge, finding joy in the unexpected role. Days turned into weeks as they devised a plan, scanning over ancient tomes and seeking the counsel of the headmaster. Finally, they discovered an incantation that could reverse the spell. With bated breath, Y/N and Clarissa recited the incantation, their voices ringing through the forest. A shimmering light enveloped Leonora, causing her childish form to morph and shift. Slowly, the small figure stood taller, her features regaining their familiar maturity.

As the light faded, Dean Leonora Lesso stood before them once again, her usual commanding presence restored. She looked at Y/N and Clarissa, gratitude sparkling in her eyes. "Thank you both," she said, her voice filled with a mix of relief and appreciation. Y/N smiled, their heart swelling with love for the dean. "We would do anything for you, Leonora. We're just glad to have you back," they replied, their voice filled with warmth. Leonora, her experience as a child serving as a reminder of vulnerability, approached Y/N and took their hand. 

"I am forever grateful for your unwavering love and care. I love you so much." she confessed, her voice soft with sincerity. Together, they returned to the School for Evil, the chaos left in their wake now a distant memory. 

Childish Dean~

Word count: 502

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