Shadows of Desire~

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Lady Leonora Lesso x Non Binary!reader | Mother: N/A |Father: N/A| Reader is a Ever | Reader is the headteacher| teacher x teacher relationship or lack there of :) | Warnings: MATURE CONTENT|


Leonora Lesso had always been a force to be reckoned with, her magnetic presence captivating all who crossed her path. Y/N, a steadfast admirer of the renowned Dean, had often found themselves lost in daydreams of forbidden fantasies. Little did they know that destiny had a different plan in store for them. 

One evening, as a storm brewed outside, Y/N found themselves standing before the grand doors of the School for Evil With a mix of fear and desire pulsing through their veins, they pushed open the door, stepping into the dimly lit hallway. The sound of their footsteps echoed in the silence as Y/N navigated through the maze-like corridors, guided only by a flickering candlelight on the sides of the hallway. The anticipation mounted with each step, for tonight they would dare to approach the unapproachable .Finally, they reached a chamber adorned with ancient tapestries and velvet drapes. And there she stood, Leonora Lesso, her enchanting eyes gleaming with a mixture of curiosity and desire. The room crackled with a palpable tension, as if the very air was charged with electricity. With a slow, deliberate pace, Y/N approached Leonora, their breath hitching in their throat. The Evil dean regarding them with a knowing smile, her voice silky and seductive. 

"Y/N, you have come seeking something forbidden. Are you prepared to delve into the depths of desire?"

Y/N's heart pounded in their chest as they nodded, speechless. They were acutely aware that Leonora held the power to ignite their every fantasy, to push them beyond the boundaries of their own desires. Leonora's fingers gently caressed Y/N's cheek, sending a shiver down their spine. The touch was both electrifying and soft, a delicate balance that held them captive. Their lips met in a fervent, hungry and passionate kiss. As their bodies melded together, their clothes became mere obstacles, hastily discarded in the throes of passion. The storm outside mirrored the tempest raging within them, thunder and lightning yelling over each breathless moan. Leonora's touch was both commanding and admiring, exploring every inch of Y/N's skin as if solving a dark mystery. She traced the contours of their body with her lips, leaving a trail of kisses in her wake. Y/N surrendered to the depths of pleasure, their voice mingling with the storm outside, a symphony of desire. Time seemed to stand still as they gave themselves fully to the intoxicating dance of passion. Every touch a testament to the insatiable hunger that consumed them. They became lost in each other, oblivious to the world beyond the confines of Leonora's bedroom.

In the climax of their desire, Y/N and Leonora came together, their voices joining in ecstasy. It was a moment of surrender, a culmination of their deepest longings and wildest dreams. As they lay entangled in each other's arms, the storm outside dissipated, leaving only the lingering echoes of their actions. With the first rays of the dawn breaking through the maroon curtains, Y/N and Leonora knew that their tryst had reached its end. They understood the gravity of the desire they had shared, a forbidden fire that would forever burn in their memories. 

And so, as they went their separate ways, Y/N and Leonora held on to the remnants of their shared passion, cherishing the secret they now shared—a secret woven in the shadows of their desire.

Shadows of Desire~

word count: 454

AN: thought you lot deserved a treat <33


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