Request 1- A Bundle of Evil Brewing

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Request by >> @lady_lesso_wife  << 

Lady Leonora Lesso x Female!reader | Mother: N/A |Father: N/A| Reader is a Never | Reader is the headmistress and a teacher   |Reader is a grey/neutral character | Nicknames: Princess, Darling,Nora. | teacher x teacher relationship |

I woke up suddenly and untangled my lovers arms quickly, rushed to the bathroom and leaned over the toilet. I throw up the entire content of my stomach. Midway through I heard the door open and a tired Leonora walk in. They crouched next to me, rubbed my back and moved my hair away from my face-holding it in a make shift ponytail. They waited until I was completely finished before standing up, getting a tissue and sitting next to me again. They pass me the tissue and I wipe my mouth. "You okay Princess?" I nod my head.

"Yeah. I think I'm okay now. Thank you Darling." They kissed my forehead then directed me back to bed. "Get some more rest, you deserve it Princess." I nod, then snuggle into the soft mattress, my lovers arms wrapped around my waist. 

This continued for the next few days, I'd wake up, throw up and then I was fine. A little groggy and tired but otherwise fine. Nora was as puzzled as I was but didn't say anything. I kept getting headaches and weird feelings every now and again, but that's common with stress. I decided today I was going to see Nurse Abigail during the free period I had. 

I have been teaching and working for almost 15 years at the school for Good and Evil. I was to be the new Headmistress after my graduation. I met Leonora my second year in and the rest was history. I sat in the cream room waiting for Abigail to come back. In the meantime I continued to daydream. I've been in a relationship with Leonora for about 10 years. I'm a neutral, so I was formally taught and graduated from both schools. That also means I have to teach in both school, have to do the majority of paperwork for both schools (although Nora does try to lighten her school's as well as helping whenever, where ever she can) but that means I have little free time, although that's fine as the Dean of Evil doesn't either. We make it work. Just then Nurse Abigail comes back, snapping me out of my trance. "So what's wrong Abby?" Abigail smiles before answering.

"You're Pregnant Y/N. Congratulations, Lesso is a very lucky woman." My eyes grow wide and I become speechless. I didn't even know that was possible. What would Lesso say? Does she even want a child? Our relationship is already a grey area but add a child. Not to mention that we both work full time- I don't have time for a child. Oh My Goddess, what am I gonna do? I can't be a mother. I'm not mother material, also we live in a school filled with future villains , Do I want to have my child grow up with that? I'd want them to be sorted correctly-fairly- when they're old enough, not just be Evil because that's what Lesso would want her child to be. But I don't have time for this, she doesn't have time for this. I haven't even told her yet.

 I soon realise that I've been quiet for too long as Abigail places a hand on my shoulder, sensing my panic. "It's going to be okay Y/N. It's okay to be scared. It's normal to be worried. Right now, all you need to focus on is teaching your classes and telling her later- nothing fancy or extravagant (Lesso hates that) but just bring it up in causal conversation and then go on from there, Okay?" 

"Okay. Thank you Abby."

"Of course Y/N, I'll see you later. Also my lips are sealed- it's up to you if you want them to know, you know what Dovey's like." I chuckle before leaving the office and proceeded to teach the rest of today's classes- juggling between the two schools, invigilating tests and completing paperwork.  Eventually the end of work was here and I let out a sigh of both relief and fear.

~~~ time skip~~~

It was now dark and I was laying in between Lesso's legs, laying against her chest. "Princess, what's on your mind? What's wrong?" She snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing... wrong. It's just-- I'm just-- ugh." She holds me tighter.

"Hey. Tell me. You know you can tell anything, right?" She says softly.

"I know I can... It's just difficult to say out loud. Okay I'm just gonna say it and I'm not gonna worry about your reaction..." She waited for me to say it, a confused look on her face. "... I'm Pregnant." 

Lesso didn't say anything for about five minutes. I was scared she'd throw me out. Just then I hear a small "Really?"

"Yeah. I found out earlier."

"I mean I had my suspicions but oh my goddess. We're gonna be parents!" 

"Your... happy?"

"Of course I am! Aren't you Princess?"

"I am, I was just worried about your reaction." She places her hand on my cheek and kisses me deeply. 

"I would never hate you. I would never kick you out. I would never leave you. You don't need to be afraid of my actions or how I'd react. I love you and I will love our child just the same as you." 

A bundle of Evil Brewing~


word count: 864

A.N. First request done. There will be a part 2 with a few 'moments' of Y/n's pregnancy posted-soon hopefully <3

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