Request 3- A jealous heart~

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Request by << @diy_trauma_expert   >>

Lady Leonora Lesso x Female!reader | Mother: N/A |Father: N/A| Reader is a grey character | Reader is the headmistress| teacher x teacher relationship | Jealous Lesso|

The hallways of the School for Evil were abuzz with activity as students scurried to and fro, their laughter and whispers filling the air. Amidst the bustling crowd, Leonora Lesso, the formidable dean, stood tall and regal, her piercing gaze scanning the scene. Her attention, however, was drawn to a figure that commanded the respect of both students and faculty alike—Y/N L/N, the headmistress.Y/N, with their elegance and unwavering dedication, had captured the hearts of everyone in both schools, including Leonora. But lately, a gnawing sense of jealousy had taken root within the dean's heart. The mere thought of someone else receiving Y/N's attention ignited a fierce protectiveness in Leonora, an unfamiliar emotion that consumed her.One afternoon, as the sun cast a warm glow upon the school grounds, Leonora found herself watching Y/N from afar. 

Their laughter floated through the air, drawing smiles from those around them. The dean's eyes narrowed as she observed a female Ever teacher approaching Y/N, their conversation seemingly innocuous. But a surge of possessiveness coursed through Leonora, as if a cloud of darkness had descended upon her.    Unable to bear the sight any longer, Leonora made her way toward Y/N and the unsuspecting Woman. She interjected herself into the conversation, her tone icy and her gaze piercing. "Y/N, I require your assistance in my office immediately," she stated, her voice brooking no argument.

Y/N glanced at Leonora, their brow furrowing with concern. Sensing the urgency in the dean's voice, they excused themselves from the faculty member and followed Leonora to her office. Once the door closed behind them, Y/N turned to face Leonora, their eyes searching for answers."What's the matter, Leonora?" Y/N asked, their voice laced with both curiosity and worry.Leonora's usually composed demeanour faltered for a moment, her jealousy transforming into an uncharacteristic vulnerability.

 "It's... it's nothing," she mumbled, unable to meet Y/N's gaze. But Y/N refused to let the matter rest. They stepped closer to Leonora, their hand gently reaching out to touch her arm. 

"Leonora, something is bothering you. Please, tell me," they pleaded, their voice filled with genuine concern.

With a heavy sigh, Leonora finally relented, her walls crumbling under Y/N's compassionate gaze. "I... I've been feeling... jealous," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.Y/N's eyes widened in surprise, their grip on Leonora's arm tightening ever so slightly. 

"Jealous? But why, Leonora? You know how much you mean to me," they whispered, their words laden with reassurance.

A mixture of relief and insecurity flickered across Leonora's features. "I know, but... seeing someone else have your attention, even in the most innocent of ways, it ignites this protectiveness within me. I... I can't stand the thought of losing you," she confessed, her voice raw and vulnerable.Y/N's expression softened, their thumb caressing Leonora's cheek tenderly. "Leonora, you have nothing to fear. My heart belongs to you, and no one else. Your protectiveness shows how deeply you care for me, and it means more to me than you'll ever know," they whispered, their voice filled with sincerity.A mix of emotions washed over Leonora—relief, love, and a renewed sense of security. She pulled Y/N into a tight embrace, her arms enveloping them as if to shield them from the world. "Thank you, Y/N," she murmured, her voice filled with gratitude.

 From that day forward, Leonora became not only the dean but also Y/N's fiercest protector. Together, they faced the challenges of the school and the world, united in a love that defied all obstacles.

A jealous heart~

Word count: 577

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