Request 1 Part 2- Indescribable Pride

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Original Request by >> @lady_lesso_wife <<

Name selected by >>@Leonoralessoswife and @bo0bies69 <<

Lady Leonora Lesso x Female!reader | Mother: N/A |Father: N/A| Reader is a Never | Reader is the headmistress and a teacher |Reader is a grey/neutral character | Nicknames: Princess, Darling my love ,Nora. | teacher x teacher relationship | 

This chapter is a few imagines of Y/N's pregnancy, it is a continuation of part 1 and ends with Y/N giving birth. Hope you enjoy <3


Lesso stormed into Clarissa's office "WHERE IS SHE?"

"Where is who Lesso? Calm down and tell me what's wrong."


"I don't know where she is, why what happened?"

"She's missing obviously. Is the hairspray fumes affecting your brain?!"

"Okay. Calm down we'll find her."

"CALM DOWN. How Can I Calm Down When My Pregnant Girlfriend Is Missing?!?"

They proceeded to search everywhere- both schools, the library ,their shared room, her old room, the headmistress' tower, everywhere. Lesso became more and more stressed and worried. Until Lesso was passing through the garden and saw a figure on the bench. She walked closer and sighed in relief. On the bench was Y/N's sleeping form.


"LEONORA." I hear Y/N shout from our bedroom. I would usually be following her around like a lost puppy but today she seems... scary. I know I shouldn't say that, she's my girlfriend and she's carrying my child but I'm just keeping my distance.  "NORA WHERE ARE YOU?" I hear her voice get louder and I notice myself shudder at her tone. I began to shake slightly and gulped. "LEONORA! Please. Where are you?" I hear her voice crack and a saddened tone take over. I couldn't ignore her as much as I was scared of her right now. 

"Darling? Are you okay Princess?" I walked into the bedroom to see her on the bed with her knees close to her chest and tears flowing down her face. I immediately walked up to her and sat next to her. I brought her into a hug and she grasped me tightly, crying into my chest. "Where were you?" My heart broke at her words as guilt swept over me. 

"My Office. I'm sorry Princess," She looked down disheartened, crying silently.  I proceeded to whisper "Do you wanna go get ice cream?" Her eyes light up immediately.


"Hey." I hear Lesso say tiredly before walking up behind me and wrapping her arms around my neck. 

"Hey, what's up darling?"

"It's two in the morning. Come to bed. Please." I sigh as i look at the clock to the left of me.

"I'll be in in a minute Darling." She frowned and huffed.

"Your pregnant Y/N. You need your sleep and you need to stop stressing over everything. If I leave you to it now- you won't stop. You both need your rest." I stand up and kiss her softly.

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you to Princess."


Y/N sat in a comfortable armchair, their hands gently cradling the round swell of their pregnant belly. The room was filled with a soft, warm glow, and the air was thick with anticipation. As Leonora approached, a mixture of excitement and nervousness danced in her eyes. She knelt down beside Y/N, her fingertips trembling with tenderness. 

With a gentle touch, she placed her hand on Y/N's stomach, feeling the fluttering movements within. A gasp escaped her lips as she felt the tiny life inside Y/N stir, their child responding to her touch. 

Their eyes met, a mixture of awe and love passing between them, as they shared a moment of pure joy and wonder.

 In that instant, they both knew that their love had created something beautiful—a new life, a Lilith, that would forever bind them together in an unbreakable bond.


Y/N's body trembled with waves of pain as she laboured to bring her and Leonora's child into the world. Sweat glistened on their forehead, her grip on Leonora's hand tight and desperate. Tears streamed down Y/N's face. Leonora stood beside them, her heart breaking at the sight of Y/N in such agony.  Yet, she remained a pillar of strength, her voice filled with unwavering support. 

"You're doing incredible, my love," she whispered, her eyes brimming with pride. "Just a little longer, and our Lily will be in your arms." Her words served as a lifesaver amidst the pain, a reminder of the beautiful outcome awaiting them. 

Leonora's unwavering belief in Y/N's strength ignited a fire within them. With every agonizing push, Y/N knew they were not alone. 

And finally, with one final exertion and scream, the room erupted with the cry of their new born child. Overwhelmed with exhaustion and relief, Y/N collapsed back, her body trembling. But as Leonora placed their child in Y/N's arms, a flood of emotions washed over them—joy, love, and an indescribable sense of pride. 

In that moment, all the pain and struggle became worth it, as they looked at the tiny life she had brought into the world, a testament to their love and the incredible strength they possessed together.


Indescribable Pride~

Word count: 753

AN: Thank you to everyone that commented on my last A.N. It was extremely helpful and I loved all the names that were suggested.<33 I would love feedback on part 2 as I knew a few of you were looking forward to it being released.  


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