Breath taking stalking~

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Lady Leonora Lesso x Female!reader | Mother: N/A |Father: N/A| Reader is a Never | Reader is a student | Trigger warnings: Overworking? | Don't read if these trigger you |Reader is a reader | Nicknames: My darling, Nora | teacher x student relationship |

It was arrival day. Y/n, like all the others were flown towards their respected schools- but unlike her fellow Nevers she didn't land in the water. She landed gently on the ground. She was weirded out slightly but soon enough pushed into the line with the soaked Nevers by the animalistic guards.

Once inside, she was met with the most beautiful sight she's ever seen. The darkened walls perfectly contrasting the tall woman's fiery hair. Her tailored suit showing all her curves. Her black and silver cane projecting her dominance and superiority. She was stunning and y/n couldn't do anything but gaze at the breath-taking woman. When the woman made eye contact, y/n looked away and blushed- making the tall woman smirk. "She's mine." The woman muttered to herself. 

Evening fell and the welcoming ceremony was about to begin. Y/n couldn't help but stare at the attractive woman. She was snapped out of her trance by the woman banging her cane on the floor and her loud "Quiet!" The woman's voice ,despite yelling, sounded dark and smooth. Y/n couldn't wait to hear the woman talk some more.   Y/n clung to every word the woman said, ignoring everything else around her. Y/n was disappointed when the ceremony was over as she had to return to her dorm room. 

A few months past. Y/n hadn't seen the dean often but revelled in the short moments she does. Y/n had also felt as if someone's been watching her in class and while she slept but brushed it off and called it 'Paranoia'. She didn't tell anyone of it- she was in the school for Evil, it was normal to feel on edge- right?

She could tell she was falling for the absent dean and so tried her hardest to be the best never that graced these halls for about 200 years. Not that it was necessary. Lesso watched y/n every moment she could. Lesso was falling just as hard as y/n, if not more. It followed them everyday. The dean believed that staying away would help, it didn't.  It made it worse. One day Lesso couldn't contain herself and called y/n to her office.

Yelling was heard for about 5 minutes as y/n was dragged towards the dean's office. "Get Off Me! You don't need to drag me, I Can Walk! IT HURTS!"

"Shut up Reader!" Just then a bang was heard and the dean exits just in time to see the guard hit the black, brick wall. Y/n looks up at the dean confused and stunned while the dean just stood there with a proud smirk on her face. "Come with me darling..." 

( •̀ᴗ•́ )و ̑̑

Y/n silently followed the dean to a room. She walks inside to see that it's the dean's sleeping quarters. "Darling?" Y/n looked towards the dark dean. "Yes?"

"You're very powerful and you overwork yourself to be the best. Thank you... but I don't want you to burn out."

"Okay. I-umm I'll try to do less than. Is that why you wanted to talk to me?"

"Um- No. I wanted to talk to you because you're beautiful and intelligent and... I love you." Y/n stood there speechless than snapped out of the trance to kiss the breathtakingly stunning woman in front of her.

"I love you too."

"I know darling." She said teasingly. She brought y/n close for another kiss. It was a very... eventful afternoon and I'm leaving you too your imaginations. But know it was extremely entertaining.

( •̀ᴗ•́ )و ̑̑

"That was amazing." y/n said breathless.

"No, you're amazing." Lesso smirked, before leaning in for another kiss. "I love you y/n."

"I know Nora." Lesso smiled at the reference to earlier. Both happy to be with each other in this moment, not wanting to think of anything else.

Breath taking stalking~

Word count: 621

My Darling ~Lady Lesso oneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon