Request 5- In sickness and health~

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Request by << @Lia_219 >>

Lady Leonora Lesso x Female!reader | Mother: N/A |Father: N/A| Reader is an Ever | Reader is a student | teacher x student relationship | sick Y/N | nicknames: darling,Nora,my love

Today, a sombre atmosphere filled the halls of the school for evil as a sick Y/N L/N lay in their bed, their body weak and feverish. The usually vibrant and adventurous student had succumbed to an illness that had left them bedridden, their spirits dampened by the weight of their condition.

Lady Leonora Lesso's commanding presence softened as she approached Y/N's bedside. Her eyes were filled with concern as she gently brushed a lock of hair away from Y/N's perspiring forehead. The touch was gentle and comforting, her voice laced with worry. "My love, I'm here. Rest and let me take care of you Darling."

Y/N's voice was barely a whisper as they replied, their tone weakened by illness. "Nora... I'm sorry for causing you worry."Leonora shook her head, her expression filled with tenderness. "There's no need to apologize, my dear. I am here to care for you. I love you."

And care for Y/N she did. Leonora remained a constant presence at their side, tending to their every need. She prepared healing potions, delicately spoon-feeding them to Y/N as they fought against the discomfort and fatigue. Her touch was gentle, her fingers tracing soothing patterns on Y/N's arm, offering comfort and security.In quiet moments, Leonora would sit by the bedside, reading dark tales and legends to Y/N, her voice a soothing melody that provided solace in the face of illness. She would grimace at the tales of heroism and triumph over adversity, but knew they would help remind Y/N of their own strength and resilience.As the days turned into nights, Y/N's condition gradually improved under Leonora's vigilant care.

Throughout it all, Leonora never faltered in her dedication, her love for Y/N shining through each action and tender touch.

One evening, as Y/N's strength began to return, they gazed up at Leonora with gratitude shining in their eyes. "Thank you, Leonora. I don't know what I would have done without you by my side."Leonora smiled, her eyes sparkling with affection. "You need not thank me, my love. Taking care of you is both my duty and my deepest desire. Seeing you recover brings me immeasurable joy."

Y/N reached out, their fingers intertwining with Leonora's, a silent affirmation of their love and appreciation.As Y/N continued to regain their strength, Leonora's role transformed from caregiver to partner once again. They faced the challenges of the school and the world together.In sickness and in health, Lady Leonora Lesso would forever be Y/N L/N's steadfast guardian, their protector, and the one who would always offer tender love and care in the face of life's trials.

In sickness and health~

word count: 452

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