Three Hearts to love

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Romantic and fluffy | polyamorous relationship between the reader, Clarissa Dovey, and Leonora Lesso| Nick names: Rissa, Leo, Sweetie,Darling

In the enchanting halls of the School for Good and Evil, where the air was filled with whispers of magic and the promise of destinies intertwined, a unique love story unfolded—one that defied the conventional norms of the fairy tale world.Y/N L/N, the protagonist of their own story, found themselves at the centre of an extraordinary romance with two remarkable figures—Clarissa Dovey, the compassionate Dean of Good, and Leonora Lesso, the enigmatic Dean of Evil.

Amidst the towering spires and mystical landscapes of the school, Y/N often found solace in the arms of both deans, their hearts entwined like the most intricate of spells. Together, they created a haven of love that bridged the gap between light and darkness.

One day, as they strolled through the Gardens of Ever After, Clarissa and Leonora on either side of Y/N, a gentle breeze carried the sweet fragrance of blossoming flowers. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the trio.Clarissa spoke first, her voice a soft melody. "Y/N, in this garden of endless possibilities, our love has blossomed like the most resilient of flowers. You bring a light into our lives that brightens even the darkest corners of our hearts."Leonora, her demeanour softened by the magical twilight, added, "Indeed. Y/N, you have become the missing piece of my puzzle, completing a picture I never thought possible. Your love is a force that even the strongest enchantments cannot contain."Y/N, feeling the warmth of their affections, smiled with a heart full of love. "Rissa, Leo, you both complete me in ways I never thought imaginable. Our love is like a magical tapestry, woven with threads of passion, tenderness, and understanding."

Underneath the ancient trees, Clarissa and Leonora exchanged a knowing glance, silently affirming the depth of their shared emotions. In that tranquil moment, Y/N felt a surge of gratitude for the unique love they had discovered—a love that transcended boundaries and embraced the complexity of their hearts.As the night descended, they found themselves in a cosy corner of the library, surrounded by the hushed whispers of enchanted books. Clarissa and Leonora, each holding one of Y/N's hands, exchanged affectionate glances.

Clarissa spoke, her voice filled with warmth, "Sweetie, you are the protagonist of our shared tale, and with every chapter, our love story becomes more enchanting. In this library of endless stories, ours is my favourite."Leonora added, a playful gleam in her eyes, "Indeed. Our love defies the narrative of typical fairy tales, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Darling, you are the magical element that turns the pages of our story into an epic adventure."With a tender smile, Y/N leaned in, placing a soft kiss on Clarissa's lips, then turning to Leonora for another. The library, witness to countless tales, seemed to hold its breath, enchanted by the beauty of their shared affection.

And so, in the magical realm of The School for Good and Evil, Y/N, Clarissa Dovey, and Leonora Lesso continued to write their own unique love story—one that embraced the extraordinary, defied the expected, and celebrated the boundless possibilities that only true love could offer.

Three hearts to love

Word count: 551

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