Shanes Karma pt 1

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"Ten mile run, two fight simulations and a obstacle course." Blake said as they all walked in tired from the training.

"Don't forget two hours of hard meditation." Hunter complained.

"Even you look tired training finally getting to you." Dustin said as he put his hand on Shanes back

"I'm not getting a lot of sleep getting a lot of sleep I keep having this weird dream." Shane said as he rubbed his eyes. 

"You should pay attention to that sensei says your dreams can tell you a lot about yourself.

"Speaking of dad where is he." Cam asked as he called for his dad.

"Look." Dakota said as she pointed to his little house where there was a note.

Tori then walked over there and grabbed the note and read it, "Rangers I have gone on a meditation retreat to reflect on and recharge my inner ninja in my absence enjoy a well deserved  day off." 

"oh yeah." They all said as they all celebrated.

"No way is that what it says." Shane said as he took the note from Tori and read it to see if that what I really said.

"I'm think maybe the track that a movie or maybe a movie then the track." Dustin said as he realized he didnt know what to do.

"Hey Tor what's the matter. Come on don't tell me you can't deal with a deal with a day off."  Blake asked her.

"No a day off is great especially tomorrow. I Just thought sensei would be around you know." Tori said with a little grin.

"What." Hunter asked her.

"Man are we stupid because tomorrow it is your birthday." Shane teased her as he danced a little .

"Oh." The others ranger exclaimed as they remembered.

"How about a beach party." Dakota suggest.

"Yeah." Shane exclaimed.

"All right." Dustin exclaimed.

"What do you say Tor." Blake asked her.

"All right sure sounds great to me. "Tori said with a huge smile.

"All right meet at the beach first thing in the morning." Hunter said as he high fives the others.

"Just make sure you get enough sleep tonight. I think tomorrow might be something special after all" Tori reminds them as they all walked out of ninja ops.

///////////////////////Shane dream//////////////

Someone was walking thorough the woods they walked past an old brick wall with a hole in it he was looking in someone called his name causing the little boy to turn around. A glowing light was calling to him and told him to help release it. He got it out of the web and it floated up in the air a dark hole came to get the boy.

Shane then woke up from the dream as the little boy let out a scream.


Tori, Dustin, cam, Zack and Dakota pulled up in the van. "Hey there's Blake and Hunter." Dustin said as they all got out of the van.

"Has anybody seen Shane." Tori asked the others.

"Yeah let get the show on the road." Blake said throwing his arms up in the air.

"We can't live without him he's bringing the cake." Dustin said just as Shane ran up to them.

"Happy birthday." Shane tell Tori.

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