Samurai's journey part 1

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"right no way dude. There's no way he does it." Hunter said.

 "I don't know dude he is pretty strong for a little guy." Dustin said. 

"Quiet, a little respect for the master." Shane said giving them all a look. "Now watch closely Rangers. Hyah." Sensei said as he broke the slab in half. 

"Now that was awesome." Dakota said watching him. 

"You were saying." Tori said looking at Hunter and Zack. 

"I say that we stand corrected but how." Zack said still not kind believing that it happened.

"The power comes not from the body but from the mind." Tori said looking at them. 

"Correct Tori." Sensei said. 

"All right I'm up." Hunter said. 

"sure you want to go there bro." Blake said looking at Hunter. 

"Look if he can do it.. Uh i'm going to give it my best shot." Hunter said as Shane put a slab down for him to try to break. Hunter got down to it and he hit it but didn't have any success.

Shane, Dustin and Zack started to laugh and Blake Tori hit Shane. Dakota hit Zack and Dustin to stop them.

 "Look like Rodent one Thunder Ranger zip." Shane said looking at Blake. 

"You think you can do it" Hunter said looking up at Shane. He then looked at Hunter then motioned him to get up as he then walked over there. Shane and Tori then tried to Karate chop it but couldn't get through it. Blake then tried to use his head but failed.

At Lothors ship...

"You should be a Sunday school teacher or an animal doctor because as an evil space ninja well you're totally lame."  Kapri said. 

"How could you say something so horrible about me." Marah said to her sister.

 "Actually it was quite easy." Kapri said glaring at her sister. 

"What is it." Lothor asked them. 

"She said I was well nice." Marah said.

"Girls, Girls don't fight. you're both evil in fact I myself have been scared of you. Lothor said as he got out of his chair walking past them. 

"Really you think we are evil." Marah said.

 "I get it we're on one of those hidden camera show right." Kapri said not getting why  he was saying all of this.

 "Have I told you how much I love having you here." Lothor said. 

"He really likes us I am so happy." Marah said as Lothor started laughing from his chair.

"That was rich I haven't laughed that hard since the plague on Velcroix turned everyone into piles of black ooze." Lothor said. 

"but" Kapri said pointing at the Lothor clone. The clone then turned into a monster.

 "It's Madtropolis he has the power to create the illusion that he's another being." Zurgane said walking into the room.

 "Just a little thing I do it kills at barbecues." Madtropolis said. 

"A nice party trick Zurgane but ot doesn't exactly scream "world domination" does it." Lothor asked Zurgane.

 "But wait theres more." Zurgane said pointing to the monster. 

"With this I can capture the rangers energy leaving the earth completely defenseless." Madtropolis said as Marah and Kapri said looking at each other. 

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