There's no I in team

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Dakota POV
( for the first little bit I'll switch later)

I was at the motocross Track riding around with my dad he said that in Angel Grove which is where he was born you never saw nobody except maybe a few girls on bikes so he taught me to ride a bike at a young age. I also had a little bit of free time because Dustin, Shane and Tori were training with Sensei he knew that the other need this he also knows that my dad is one of the originals. I also was raised around a lot of rangers, so I learned a lot about being a team.

At ninja ops....

"Come on you, guys. " Shane said as he pulled on the cuffs.

"Shane" Tori exclaim as her wrist was pulled.

"This is going to take all day." Shane complained as he pulled on the cuffs again.

"Ow, Shane can you stop pulling my wrist is totally tweaked." Tori said as she rubbed her wrist.

"Sorry Tor it would be so much faster if we could just split up." Shane said.

"Not to mention less painful." Tori exclaimed as she was pulled again.

"Dude this scroll of three thing better be worth it the cuffs are brutal." Dustin said as he grabbed his wrist.

"Sensei wouldn't have sent us if it wasn't important it's got to be here somewhere." Shane exclaimed pulling them both forward.

"What kind of scroll are we talking about." Dustin said.

"We'll if we see any scroll anywhere out here that's probably it." Tori said to him.

"We'll there a scroll." Dustin said pointing to a scroll and Shane pull then towards it and stopped right in front of it.

"that's totally it." Shane said as they pulled them towards it.

"Wait it says something." Tori said as they stopped in front of it.

"Stronger is one than three." Shane read it off as they all looked confused.

"What that's it!  We would be better of buying fortune cookies." Dustin exclaimed throwing his hands up.

"Let's just grab it and bail." Tori said.

"I'll get it." Shane said as he tried to jump in the air, and they all ended up falling on the ground.

"Who's on my foot Shane." Dustin exclaimed.

"That was so not effective." Tori groaned in pain.

"I'll do this myself Shane said as he got up off the ground as the Kelzacks appeared all the sudden surrounding them.

"Uh Kelzack party of ten." Dustin said as they got ready to fight. Shane sent a kick to one of the Kelzacks. He was trying to kick them, but they couldn't reach them then Shane pulled them with them.

"Will you stop pulling my arm Shane." Tori said walking in front of him. Shane then tried to send a punch Shane throwing Dustin to the ground.

"Dustin look out." Tori exclaimed as Shane did a front flip and they rolled over. Shane kicked one and flipped over and the others cartwheeled back. Shane then went to kick it again, but he pulled them all down to the ground. They held their hands over their head to block and the cuffs were cut off their arms and they all rubbed their wrist.

"Stay here I'll get the scroll." Shane said as he ran to get the scroll. As they were left to fight the kelzacks.

"Oh yeah." Shane exclaimed clapping his hands together.

" Shane Wait stop." Tori exclaimed as he turned around. The kelzack had her and Dustin and there hold.

"Let go" Dustin said struggling to get out.

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