general deception pt 2

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"I thought you said we were going to get the credit all I see is the rangers on the ground and Zurgne ready to take a bow." Shimazu said as Vexacus let out a chuckle.

'You worry to much relax if Zurgane take a bow it will be his final one." Vexacus said.

"I hope so for our sake." Shimazu said as Zurgane went to stab the wind rangers zord Cam blocked it.

"What." Zurgane exclaimed as Cam sent a kick at his zord.

"Woah where did you get mode Cam." Shane asked.

"I am the one in charge of upgrades remember." Cam said as he turned his zord toward the wind megzord .

"Pretty sweet." Shane said as Cam sensed something and went to turn back. Zurgae went to strike at Cam but the Thunders and Zack sent a blast at Zurganes machine and then sent some punches knocking him to the ground.

"You guys ready to finish this." Hunter asked them.

"Lets do it." Shane exclaimed as they put the disk in.

"Ill take that power." Zurgane said as he pressed a button as a wind storm cam out of the zord. "Yes I got what I came here for." Zurgane said as his zord blew up but he ejected himself from it holding the disk from his zord. 

"No more Zurgane." The rangers exclaimed.

"Don't be so sure Zurgane's smart." Cam said.

"But we trashed his zord." Hunter exclaimed. 

"Even if he got out he's got nothing." Dustin said.

"Something doesn't feel right it was just to easy." Cam said.

"You call that easy." Blake asked him.

"Go back to your campsite I've got to check something out at ninja ops. Cam said.

"Me and Tori will go with you." Dakota said.

"Yeah we are so over the whole camping thing." Tori said.

"Let us know if you find anything out." Shane said.

"I will keep your eyes open out there." Cam said.

"Don't worry." Shane said.


"It just doesn't seem logical."Cam said

"Cam sometimes one must turn away from a problem in order to find its solution." Sensei said.

"Dad I've turned every way I know how I'm not sure that there even is a problem. I just know something isn't right. " Cam said


"Man I don't know if I can sit out here and have a good time after all this stuff. I just need to chill out for a while." Hunter said as they walked back to the camp site.

"I for one need to fill my grill with cheeseburgers here I come." Dustin exclaimed causing the other to laugh.

"Oh pickles tell me someone brought pickles." Blake asked them. "I can't have cheeseburgers without pickles." Blake said. 

"Chill bro we brought them." Zack said.

"Second away from a meal fit for a kings." Shane said as he rubbed his hands together.

"Oh man." Hunter exclaimed as they came back to their camp site being a mess.

"I don't believe this can not be happening." Blake said as he walk up to see the burgers burnt.

"This whole nature things for the birds I say we bag it and go find some greasy fast food." Dustin said.

"Yeah sure lets all take your car." Shane said.

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