Chapter 24

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In the morning, Gussie got out from the room that he shared with Koru then to his surprise, he saw Perfida sleeping on the couch by the upstairs living room so he went to her, "hey, Perfida." He shook her gently. "Perfida."

Perfida woke up, "oh, hey, Gussie," she said to him.

"What's up? why are you sleeping here?"

"I got smushed last night by March and Vance, I slept between them."


"I feel like the the middle part of an oreo. Anyway, I didn't get enough sleep, wake me up in an hour."


"Thanks," she yawned and went back to sleep.

"Wait, if you're here, that means March and Vance are..."

Inside the bedroom, March and Vance were in still in the bed together. They woke up at the same time and found themselves in each other's arm. "AAAHH!!" the two screamed that the two rolled away from one another, Leyo woke up from it.

"What? What? What happened?" Leyo asked since he was startled and confuse.

"NOTHING!" March and Vance shouted.


Later, March glared at Perfida as he confronted her in private by the balcony, "look, I know you're pissed but you two squashed my like a peach last night," she defended. "I couldn't breathe, either I be alive til next morning or having my lungs crushed by the both of you."

"Okay, sorry," he apologized.

"It's fine, it's done. We are going back to the resort after we have our breakfast." Suddenly, they heard car engines and saw a middle-aged man wearing a dark flannel shirt, loose pants with tearing by the knees and dirty sneakers, coming out of the car although noticed he was limping when he walked to the front door. "That must be her son," she whispered.


Gussie, Koru, Vance and Leyo were in the dining area eating scrambled eggs and fried fish that Sheri made for them. They were watching news that was live in a studio in Ares city, "the agency will be welcoming a new beings of cosmic citizens," the reporter said. "Akua from the planet Akuato. Let's hear from Jack Maurie about our new friend live in Ares Galactic Agency."

"Thank you, Kham, I am here now with Dr. Aimee Lian, one of the agency's astronomer, thank you for letting me interview you," said the othe reporter was inside with the scientist who was also a colleague of Ophelia's.

"Sure thing," Dr. Lian replied.

"So what can you tell us about the Akuas?"

"Akuato is a neighbouring planet of Phorzuds in the opposite side of the orbit but unlike the Phorions ability of flight, the Akuas are aquatic kinds so they have the ability to breath underwater but at the same time, they could also live in land."

"That is amazing to hear, are they here now? can we meet them?"

"No, they are not here right now but they are on their way here in about four to five earth days."

"I see, so basically, if you don't mind me saying this, they are like cosmic citizen mermaids?"

"That is correct, they're upper torso are humanoids and the hip down is fish tail so like mermaids they are more suitable living in vast sea."

"Very interesting, but how will they live here in Ares city for people like the Akuas? have the agency arrange something for them so they could live with us?"

"Good question. As of the time being we come to a desicion with Prime Minister Benjamin Nichols to have them stay in Thoto Island."

"Alright, that's it for now, thank you for your time, Dr. Lian."

Stellar Spectrum Book IV: Thoto IslandWhere stories live. Discover now