1| Reprise (Or, return to the original theme)

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Author's Note:

Hello! It took longer than I thought it would (doesn't it always?) but I am properly back, hooray!

A bit of housekeeping before we get started. If you've clicked on this fic without reading the first one, this is a sequel and you do need to read Liebestraum if you want to understand what's going on. However, I have left this chapter pretty much spoiler free if you find yourself reading and become interested. After the first chapter though, sorry. You've been warned.

Second, I like to finish my fics before I start uploading them which means I post as I edit. Barring emergencies or other crazy unpredictable life stuff, you can expect at least a chapter a week (probably more when I have more time).

Third, this fic is rated M for...reasons. I will talk a little more about that at the end of the chapter. This one is safe though, don't worry.

Fourth, if you've been with me since Liebestraum and are coming back for this ride, thank you. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you for still caring about these characters and Asuka's story. I know it's been a while.

Let's get to it!


This work of fiction is dedicated to my dear friend Rosentic. Thank you for all the conversations, laughs, inspiration, and support. I'm so happy we became friends.

Chapter 01: Reprise (Or, return to the original theme)

Asuka looked out over a starlit lake so calm it reflected like ice. The colors above were bright and strange, almost as if the stars weren't stars at all, but something beyond a mortal's understanding.

Small twinkling orbs the size of fireflies colored in electric green, purple, and red surrounded Asuka. She held her hands out to them, amazed. The stars above—or whatever they were—brightened as the surrounding lights whirled.

A wind began blowing from the center of the lake and the bluster pushed Asuka's long, flowing chestnut hair directly behind her.

Suddenly, she was holding a baby.

A gong sounded.



-* ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ *-


"... Ladies and gentlemen, if I can have your attention, please."

Asuka stirred in her reclined chair.

"We are beginning our final approach to Tokyo International airport. Please bring your seats upright, fasten your seatbelts, and put your tray tables in their lock positions. If you have trash, the stewards will go through the cabin shortly. Thank you very much for flying Japan Airways and we hope to see you again on another flight."

As the cabin lights turned on, the comm clicked off. Asuka blinked. That dream. Her heart panged with familiar longing.

Why? Why can't I...

"You must've been tired."

Asuka turned to find Kenji staring down at her with an amused expression.

She blinked again and then rubbed her eyes. "I guess so."

"And here I thought you'd be too excited to sleep."

Asuka smiled as she buried her feelings and pushed the button on the side of her chair to bring it upright. She stretched her hands overhead as she yawned.

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