16| Serioso (Or, Seriously)

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Asuka went to see Koenma after everyone had gone to bed. She didn't want to be in the Raekai when she could be helping with chores or with the baby.

Asuka's heart started pounding the moment she sat cross-legged on the tatami mat. Trauma responses were predictable—and annoying. Frustrated, she rubbed her temples and adjusted her hair with trembling fingers. You can do this. You've done it before. Just breathe in and out...in...and out...inhale for three seconds, exhale for three seconds. She stilled her mind and calmed the tremors in her body.

After a few hours, Asuka was able to push her soul out and travel up to the Raekai.

The same unchanging site that she'd lived in for millennia greeted her—a purple sky with wisps of white clouds, a long gray road, and overbearing buildings.

I still hate this place.

Asuka squared her shoulders, put on a brave face, and entered Koenma's sanctity. There were ogres bustling about with stacks of papers. They spoke in hushed, worried tones as they moved in and out of Koenma's office. Asuka furrowed her eyebrows, confused, as she watched the commotion. Then she went in.

The mint tiles gleamed behind Koenma as he diligently read through a stack of papers. He was in his adult form—which he had almost exclusively used since taking over the Raekai's affairs. He looked serious and burdened.

"Hello, Koenma," Asuka said as she approached his desk.

Koenma was so startled that he knocked a stack of papers. They flew up into the air in every direction and fluttered around Koenma.

Asuka grimaced. "Sorry."

"Maeko! I mean—Asuka. I didn't expect you to be here. Ever."

"Believe me, I didn't expect to be back here. But there's something I'd like to talk to you about."

"Have you been getting Foresight visions again?" he asked hopefully.

"I...no. I haven't. Why? Is something wrong?"

Koenma sighed. "Yes, but we're not sure what. There are strange time distortions happening in the Makai. At first, it was a few random phenomena, but they have been happening more frequently. It's enough to be concerned."

"Hiei was saying something about that yesterday," Asuka said. "But he said Mukuro's investigations haven't yielded much information."

Koenma nodded. "I'm not surprised. The distortions would be difficult to get to."

"But you know more about it?"

"A little. At first, it was little things, such as an old tree becoming a seedling. Or a mountain that had been leveled by a fight appearing again. The distortions would correct themselves, but lately, they don't seem to be. I don't know why it's happening, and none of our other seers can pinpoint the problem. That's why I was hoping you had seen something."

"Well, my foresight isn't back, but...I am having strange visions."

Koenma stopped picking up the papers that he was collecting and sat straight. "About what?"

Asuka hesitated. "What do you know about dragons?"

"Dragons?" Koenma repeated. "Western or Eastern?"

"Eastern," Asuka said. "I keep seeing a starlit lake in my dreams. But the stars aren't stars. They're...I don't know. And I've seen one dragon come up out of the lake, but I think I've seen two others. And they keep asking me to 'come back'. But I'm not sure where they're asking me to go."

Koenma stared at Asuka blankly for a few seconds before he said, "I have not heard of dragons inhabiting any existence plane. But...if we want to know something like that, then we'd have to ask..."

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