15| Amoroso (Or, in a loving tone)

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Yukina was in labor for fourteen hours before she gave birth to her healthy baby girl. Tetsuya and Tomiko stayed with Asuka and Kurama for a couple more days while their mother helped Yukina get acclimated to life with a newborn. Because of Asuka's and Kurama's encouragement, Tetsuya attended the pre-tryout practices and even smiled when Asuka picked him up.

Shizuru came directly from Genkai's retreat to pick up her children. She looked tired but still radiated joy. "Thanks again, Asuka," Shizuru said as she held Tomiko in her arms.

"We loved having them. There was lots of singing around the piano. Tomiko has a beautiful voice. You should think about lessons for her if you haven't already."

Shizuru kissed her daughter's temple. "Hear that? Asuka says you have a beautiful voice. That's a high compliment."

Tomiko smiled.

"How did everything go?" Asuka asked. "Did Kuwabara do okay?"

Shizuru laughed loudly. "I love that you asked if my brother was okay instead of Yukina. He was a nervous wreck. At one point during a contraction, Yukina yelled at him because he was panicking."

Asuka laughed as well. "Yukina is so strong."

"She is, and she said she can't wait to see you."

"Did they decide what to name the baby?"

"Not yet. Maybe they'll have it figured out by the time you get there."

Asuka looked at her watch. "Speaking of which, I should get going now to beat the traffic out of the city. I'll walk down with you."

"Sounds good."

Asuka, Tomiko, and Shizuru walked down with their bags out of the apartment. Tetsuya was still at practice.

Everyone said their goodbyes and Asuka got into the car. She pulled out her phone.

Asuka: Shizuru picked up Tomiko, and I'm about to leave for Genkai's
Kurama: I love you. Text me with how you're doing. Remember, it's okay to feel sad when you see her
Asuka: I'll try to remember that. Thank you, Love
Kurama: I'll miss you

Asuka: I'll miss you too. Luckily, I'll only be gone for two nights

Kurama: :-)

The drive to Genkai's was peaceful. Asuka exchanged the crowded city for winding mountainous roads. There was still snow on the ground.

Along the way, Asuka listened to one of her favorite soundtrack mixes, which was from the two The Lord of the Rings movies. Her encounter with Miyazaki and Joe Hisaishi made her wonder how many other creatives in the world possessed some type of ki. Was Howard Shore among them? Did his ki burn bright when he wove together his art?

Unless she met them, she'd never know. But the possibility existed, and that made her feel warm inside.

"What are we fighting for, Sam?"

"That there is some good in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it's worth fighting for."

Asuka wiped away a tear.

Hours later, she arrived at the entrance to Genkai's retreat and turned the car onto the widened gravel path that had been put down after Genkai's death. Memories flooded Asuka as she drove up the path. She had learned and grown here. She had trained. She had first tasted the warmth of Kurama's lips in Genkai's spare bedroom and the press of his body while she slept. Her house was a refuge—and always would be.

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