6| Forte (Or, strong)

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"Are you going to be all right?" Kurama asked as they got off the train.

Asuka turned toward her husband. "Yes. I love Yukina and I'm so excited for her and Kuwabara. I'd never want to feel anything but happiness for them."

Kurama threaded his hand into Asuka's and gave a gentle squeeze. "You have permission to feel more than one thing. And we can leave at any time."

"I'll be okay, I promise. It's been so long and I want to see our friends."

Kurama's eyes scanned the street. There were different pockets of people walking, talking on their phones, and sitting on benches.

"I know you're thinking about what happened at the concert," Asuka said. "I still can't wrap my head around it. Maybe...they realized I can't see the future anymore?"

Kurama's lips pulled into a tight frown. "As much as I'd like to believe that, we have no way to confirm. Until we have concrete evidence, either way, I will remain vigilant."

"I know you will," Asuka said.

The ramen shop was just in view, and it put Asuka's worries to rest. There was nothing they could do except enjoy tonight.

After Yusuke returned from the Makai to attend Asuka and Kurama's wedding, he took his Jr. High generals and opened his own ramen cart instead of attending high school. Five years ago, Keiko's parents retired and moved to a quieter part of the city. Yusuke and Keiko took over their ramen shop and moved upstairs.

The ramen shop door had a sign on it that said, "closed for private event". Asuka slid the door open.

"Asuka!" Shizuru ran over and pulled Asuka into a tight embrace. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too," Asuka said as she returned the hug.

"Hello, Kurama."

"Good evening."

They stepped inside and closed the door.

The ramen shop was warm and smelled like broth and comfort. Some of the customer tables had been pushed together to make one long row, and the extras had been exiled to a corner.

Behind the counter at a giant soup pot stood Yusuke. He had on an apron and a headband that pushed his hair out of the way.

"Hey, Asuka!" Yusuke grinned. "Kurama. I'll be done soon. Keiko should be down in a minute. She's putting the demons to bed."

Asuka laughed. "Can I help with anything?"

Yusuke rolled his eyes. "You're gonna come into my ramen shop and ask me that? Seriously?"

"We're family!" Asuka called over a beeping timer.

"We are family." Yusuke turned around and attended to the noodles behind him. He looked back and flashed his signature grin. "So that's why I'm gonna tell you—sit your ass down."

Asuka put her hands up in mock surrender and sat next to Shizuru. Kurama went and sat at the ramen bar while Yusuke cooked.

"How are Tomiko and Tetsuya?" Asuka asked.

Shizuru opened the beer in front of her and took a drink. When she finished, a wistful smile crept across her face. Asuka recognized it as the expression Shizuru made whenever she talked about her children.

"Tetsuya's been into baseball lately," Shizuru said. "I think he's going to join the baseball club in the spring."

"I'm not surprised."

"He doesn't have much ki, but what he has he uses to his advantage in sports. Sometimes I worry about it."

Asuka pushed her hair behind her ears. "It seems like something an eight-year-old would do. He's pretty level-headed, so you probably don't need to worry about it too much."

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