18| Coll'ottava (Or, With the addition of the octave note)

53 6 1

Asuka stared at the plus sign on the pregnancy test. This couldn't be real, could it?

No. The test is wrong. It's a cruel joke.

She closed her eyes to steady her emotions. When she opened them, her eyes wandered down to the test. It still said, "positive".

I need to take another.

Asuka left the bathroom dazed—and went to the kitchen. Coffee was her best bet. She got out the kettle, put it on the stove, and then dug through the cabinet. Towards the back was some decaf coffee. It was old, but she was paranoid because she had lots of caffeine already.

Her movements were purely reflexive as she poured hot water into the Chemex. She stood there, still dazed, and waited for it to drip. Then she got her cream, mixed it into the coffee, and downed it in two large gulps. After the coffee, Asuka drank an entire glass of water.

There was nothing to do except wait, and it was bizarre to be hypervigilant about peeing. When she felt the urge, she waited just in case there wasn't enough in her bladder.

Asuka grabbed her iPod and tried to focus on some music. She listened to several songs before going to the bathroom and to use the last pregnancy test.

It also came back positive.

Her hands started trembling again. This was crazy. Absolutely bonkers. The IVF procedure failed! Her body hadn't produced viable eggs. How was it she got pregnant the old-fashioned way? When she and had been trying for over two years?!

Asuka ran her hand through her long chestnut hair and exhaled. "What are you doing, body?" she asked, half-exasperated. Then, her mouth curled upward, and she laughed. There wasn't a logical explanation. It was something of a miracle.

She went back to the bedroom and slumped on the bed. So many emotions were running through her, and she needed to sort them out. Confusion, elation, and being overwhelmed were a few.

We're going to be parents. She had joined the pregnant party—just when she'd been accepting she'd never have a baby. I'm going to have a baby around just after Keiko. And they will both be similar in age to Maeko.

It was a delightful thought. All the children were going to grow up together and were going to be there for each other.

Asuka's hand moved to her lower abdomen. She cupped it and then smiled.

She heard the door open.


The need to be in her husband's arms turned into a fierce ache as she ran down the hall. She had missed him and now she was about to deliver the news to him. News that would change everything.

He was unbuttoning his black spring jacket when she came into the living room. His raspberry hair contrasted with the black, and his emerald eyes sparkled when he saw her. "I missed you."

Asuka's heart caught in her throat. "I missed you, too." She stood there and stared as he took off his shoes. When he finished, he stepped up into their apartment and tipped her head back.

His lips caught hers in a slow, sensual kiss, which made her mouth tingle. He surrounded her body with his. She felt his biceps flex around her as he moved to cup her cheek. When she felt his tongue swipe her lip, she gasped.

She loved him so much. Needed him so much. And she needed him to understand. But how to say it? And how was she supposed to pull away when he was being so tender?

Tears streamed down her face as she moved her hand up to cup his jaw.

Kurama pulled away. "What is it, Love?" he looked deep into her eyes and wiped a tear with his thumb. "You're trembling."

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