19| Apaisé (Or, Calmed)

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Asuka looked up to see Kurama on the phone. He was probably calling his assistant to tell her he would be late this morning. She hadn't expected there to be an appointment open so soon with her OB/GYN, but her doctor had a cancelation and Asuka jumped at the chance to see her doctor.

Her unbridled joy at the positive pregnancy test had long since cooled. She was worried. When Kurama hung up the phone, he must've read her expression because he asked her what was wrong.

"Well," Asuka bit her lip. "What if the pregnancy isn't viable?"

Understanding flooded his face. He quickly crossed the room and pulled her into his arms. "Their life is small but strong," he said into her hair.

"It could be ectopic."

Kurama kissed the top of her hair. "Will we find out at the doctor's?"

"We should. They usually do an ultrasound since an ectopic pregnancy is dangerous. They want to catch it early, before the fallopian tube ruptures."

"Okay," Kurama said into her hair. "Then we won't have to wait long to find out."

She nodded into his chest. "I'm sorry...I can't help but be worried."

"It's alright," he said gently. "It's perfectly understandable."

Asuka's hands wandered up to his biceps. She gripped them and felt his hardened muscles flex underneath her fingers. "I love you."

"And I love you."

As Asuka got lost in Kurama's gentle touch, she reflected on how his treatment of her had shifted this past week. He was always tender, but this was different. She felt it most keenly in how he had made love to her. Gentle and slow in a way she hadn't experienced before.

And oh, how Asuka loved him.

Please be okay in there, Tiny Love.

Kurama and Asuka broke apart.

"What time do we need to leave?" he asked.

"Nine. Sorry to make you late for work again. I know you had a meeting."

"I was able to move it later, so it's not a problem. But even if I hadn't, you come first. The baby..." he said as he placed a hand on her abdomen, "comes first."

She nodded.

"I am glad it is Friday," he said. "I can't wait to spend the weekend with you."

"Me too."

"Shall we?"

"Yes, let's go."

-* ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ *-

The car ride to the doctor was quiet. Kurama acted as her tether and held her hand tight as they drove. She practiced steadying her breathing and did her best to not get worked up. When her blood pressure spiked, Kurama sent soothing waves through his hand.

The doctor's office was in a large building that also housed other medical practices. Kurama parked in a parking garage around the corner and held her hand as they walked into the building. Her fertility doctor differed from her OB/GYN, so this would be the first time Kurama would meet Doctor Satsuki.

It's going to be okay. It has to be, she told herself.

They took the elevator up to the fifth floor and went through the door. After Asuka got checked in they waited, and after waiting for what felt like an eternity (though it was only ten minutes) a nurse brought Asuka and Kurama to the exam room.

The nurse took Asuka's vitals and chatted with her about the visit.

"And when was the positive result?" the nurse asked as she typed on the computer.

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