Preview for my original fiction

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Hi! If you're reading this I can only assume you like my writing and are vaguely interested in my original fiction.

Last year I wrote a contemporary romance and put it here on WattPad. It's called The Thread Between Danny and Me. You can find the synopsis and excerpt for the book below. Thanks for checking out my work!


Maria Ramirez-Johnson has just graduated with a Master's in architecture and is looking forward to building a new life for herself. But even as she looks ahead, something binds her to the past. To a boy with ocean eyes and a heart of gold named Danny McGarry. Can she figure out how to break the bond? Or is there a possibility for a second chance?

The novel is split into two parts. The first half takes place in the early 2000's when Maria is a teenager. The second part takes place a decade later.

Excerpt From Chapter 1

My eyes swept the room and found Brandon's. He stared at me for a moment before turning and leaving for the kitchen.

"Seriously, Maria," Melissa hissed from one couch over. "When are you gonna make a move on Brandon? He obviously cares about you."

I knew he did.

"Yeah, Brandon's a good guy," Aiden said. "You two have been friends for a while, right? What are you waiting for?"

I closed my eyes and wished I could be anywhere but here.

"She's probably waiting for some kind of sign," Melissa said. "Wait, wait, wait," she slurred. "Didn't you once mention some reason why you won't date?"

I stiffened. Major hopped off my lap.

"Ohhh, that's right," Melissa grinned. "There was a reason. Someone in your past? God, I wish I could remember!"

"Melissa," I sighed, "Can we not talk about this now?"

She pouted.

"Probably best to stop asking, Melissa. Sorry, Maria," Aiden said.

"Thank you," I said relieved.

Just then, Charlie and Brandon reentered the room with trays of drinks. They gave everyone their glass. I was last. Brandon handed me my drink and then sat down on the floor next to me. Melissa gave me a knowing glance.

"Alright, so," Paul said from the other side of the room. "People make their decisions on where they're going to work after college? Any offers?"

"I'm headed back to Arizona," said Henry. "Don't have any offers, but I do have some interviews lined up when I get back."

"I've got an interview with a firm," said Charlie. "But nothing beats out Brandon here and his offer from G and T."

"Oh how lucky," said Henry.

"Yeah, I'm excited. I'll probably take it," Brandon said.

"What about you Maria?" Paul said.

I had three offers from around the Northeast, including one from G and T, but instead of talking about them, I shrugged. "Not sure what I'll do yet."

Melissa raised her glass. "Congrats everyone! You've officially graduated from RISD."


We all drank.

"Okay, okay, okay," Melissa said with a grin. "I've got a good myth topic to discuss tonight."

"Isn't it Charlie's turn to pick?" Aiden asked.

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