7| Adante Con Moto (Or, the First Consolation)

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"Okay, Asuka, Shuichi, I have your results," Doctor Shino said as she squinted at the paper in front of her.

Asuka's heart pounded painfully.

"First, let's talk about you, Mr. Minamino. All of your tests came back healthy and normal. In fact," she squinted again, "your sperm count is among the highest that I've ever seen. Wow."

Asuka resisted the temptation to glare at Kurama.

"I think we can safely say that you aren't the cause of infertility."

The doctor's gaze met Asuka's sympathetically, and it told Asuka everything she needed to know before the words left the doctor's lips.

"Asuka, your tests came back abnormal. I believe you have Premature Ovarian Failure. I'm so sorry, Dearie."

Kurama put his arm around her and drew her close as tears stung her eyes.

"Premature Ovarian Failure is a fairly rare condition," the doctor said. "Basically, it means that your ovaries have stopped functioning as they should before the age of forty. You could say it's like early menopause. We'll need to start you on a supplement to help prevent osteoporosis."

There was a bitter irony somewhere in that statement.

"However," Doctor Shino continued, "I haven't ever seen results like yours. You seem to have a fairly normal cycle and you don't have any of the normal symptoms associated with POF like night sweats, decreased sexual drive, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, or any of the other symptoms. But your hormone levels and the age of your eggs are classic indicators of POF. It's a bit puzzling."

It's this body, Asuka wanted to say. This body is messed up. It always has been, and it always will be. It doesn't work right. Asuka's voice wavered as she asked, "Does this mean I can't get pregnant?"

"Well," Doctor Shino hesitated, "I am unsure, to be honest. Women with this condition have gotten pregnant with treatment. We could try IVF and see—"

"Yes," Asuka said, cutting her off. "Please. I'll do anything."

The doctor gave her another sympathetic glance. "Okay. If you haven't done your research, IVF is a difficult process. You'll have to give yourself injections every day and come in for regular blood tests. The point is to get your body to release an egg that's ready for fertilization. Normally, the body releases just one a cycle. IVF is like a supercharge—we're going to see how many viable eggs we can get. Then, we'll harvest them, fertilize them, and implant one, or multiple, depending. The transfer success rate varies wildly from woman to woman."

"And...if my body won't release a viable egg?"

The doctor heaved a sigh. "Then, Dearie, you won't be able to get pregnant."

Asuka nodded in tears. Kurama stroked her shoulder with his hand.

"Where do the injections go?" Kurama asked.

"Either into the abdomen or thigh, depending which type of injection it is," Doctor Shino said. "They're painful."

Kurama exhaled.

"I should also warn you about the side effects of IVF treatment. Asuka, you may experience breast tenderness, hot flashes, headaches, and blurred vision. You may also experience changes in your mood. Remember, we're pumping a lot of hormones into your system. You might be more easily irritated or sensitive. There are other side effects, but those are the most common. Mr. Minamino, it's also important for you to monitor your wife."

Kurama nodded.

"Do either of you have any more questions about that?"

"No," they said at the same time.

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