20| Pesanate (Or, heavy and ponderous)

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"Are you certain you are all right?" Kurama asked through the bathroom door. "Do you need me to do anything?"

Acid caught in Asuka's throat before she could answer. Her fingers gripped the white porcelain toilet as her stomach cramped and she wretched. She tried to clear her throat of the bile but it backfired and made her throw up again. "Maybe just a towel," Asuka gasped, still hunched over the bowl.

She heard Kurama come closer. There was a rustling noise, and then he gently handed her a towel. Asuka wiped her mouth.

"I wish there was something I could do," he said helplessly.

"Believe me, I wish there was something you could do, too." Asuka sighed and then raised her hand for Kurama to help her up. He reached down and pulled her upward. Once Asuka straightened, she washed her hands and brushed her teeth. Anything to get the taste out.

"I'm sorry, Love," Kurama said as he tucked Asuka into his arms.

"At least it's normal, and it means this pregnancy is progressing as it should."

He smiled softly and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. "You always manage to find the good."

"Most of the time."

"May I assume you aren't feeling up to dinner?"

"You assume correctly, though I hope to eat later."

He nodded.

Asuka breathed in Kurama's musk and tried to center herself on his touch and his feel. She felt out-of-sorts.

"Everything else okay?" he asked.

She looked up at him. "I don't know. I've been feeling weird. It's like...something bad is happening, but I can't explain what it is."


Someone knocked on the door.

Kurama and Asuka looked at each other before they both went down the hallway to the foyer. Kurama put his arm out, indicating Asuka should stay behind him while he looked through the peephole. "It's Botan." He opened the door.

"Asuka...Kurama. I need you to come to Yusuke's. Koenma is there. We've...got a problem."

Asuka's heart dropped. "Is it about the Makai?"

Botan gazed at Asuka for a moment before she said, "I'll let Koenma explain. Please hurry. There's not much time."

"We'll head over right away," Kurama said.

Botan got on her oar and disappeared.

Asuka went back to the kitchen and opened a box of protein bars that she had sitting on the counter. She grabbed two of them and brought them back to the landing where Kurama was putting on his shoes.

"What did you get?" he asked.

"Protein bars. They're pretty much the only thing I can eat when I'm feeling nauseous."

Asuka slipped on her shoes and then pulled on her jacket.

They exited their apartment and got into the car. Asuka unwrapped one of the protein bars she'd taken from the cabinet and tried forcing herself to eat. She didn't want anyone to know she was pregnant yet and eating a protein bar in front of her friends would raise questions.

We can't be focused on my pregnancy right now. It's better to just act as if nothing has changed. Hopefully, I don't throw up while I'm there.

"Asuka..." Kurama said, "Why did you ask Botan if this meeting was about a problem with the Makai?"

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