Afterward| Cadenza (Cadenza's are at the end to encourage applause)

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"Cake now, Mama?" Rozu asked with oversized shimmering emerald eyes.

Asuka chuckled. "Not yet. We still have to wait for dinner to be served."

Rozu frowned because waiting for cake seemed rather silly.

"I want cake too," Setsuko said.

"And me." Osuke patted his stomach and rubbed it. "I need it or I'll die."

"You will not die," Yusuke said. "Stop being so dramatic."

On the other side of Osuke sat Raiden. His body was awkwardly proportioned thanks to puberty, and he looked uncomfortable. He wore a suit coat that was too tight at the shoulders and too loose at the torso. He shifted in his jacket before flashing his younger brother a grin for the ages. "We can steal some."

"Raiden..." Keiko warned. "Don't encourage him."

Raiden shrugged. "He was gonna think of it later, anyway." Raiden winked at his younger siblings, who giggled.

"Genki, put your Gameboy away. The processional is going to start," Yusuke said.

Genki rolled his eyes. "It's called a 3DS, Dad. And there's already been a processional. Why does there need to be two of them?"

"Good question. It's still going to happen, and you still need to put your Gameboy away."

Genki huffed but did as his father requested. Meanwhile, Raiden's eyes were fixed on the closed double doors.

The lights dimmed, and the music turned on. "Ladies and Gentlemen," the man said. "It's the moment you've all been waiting for. Let me introduce the bride and groom! Mr. and Mrs. Williams!"

Everyone stood from their seats and applauded as Shizuru and her new husband, Henry, ran into the room. Flanking them were Tomiko and Tetsuya. They both had wide grins and were laughing alongside their mother.

Shizuru met Henry two years prior at a work function. Initially, he had been assigned to the Japanese office of his English company and was only going to stay six months. But after he met Shizuru, he decided to take a transfer and move full-time to Japan.

"They look so happy," Asuka said as she wiped tears away. It wasn't the first time she'd cried that day. It wasn't even the second.

Everyone in the spirit detection squad loved Henry and Shizuru's children took to him fast. He was fun and supportive without trying to be their father. Asuka guessed it wouldn't take him long to move more officially into that role.

Shizuru didn't want bridesmaids or groomsmen since this was her second wedding. Instead, his family and the spirit detective family were seated at a long head table filled on both sides like a normal dinner party. With all the children and adults, it was quite crowded.

Shizuru wouldn't have it any other way.

When they were seated, Shizuru grinned at everyone who toasted and congratulated them. Henry, who's Japanese was improving at an exponential rate, thanked everyone for the warm welcome and assured the detection squad they felt like family.

Dinner was also served family style, with a mix of British and Japanese foods. The children greedily piled their plates as the bowls passed down the long row of people.

After dinner was strawberry cake (which had a suspiciously large chunk missing from the back). After that, the DJ announced the first song between husband and wife. Once Shizuru and Henry finished making eyes at each other, the first upbeat song started.

"Hey! I'm Mr. Simple."

"I am getting too old for this!" Kuwabara shouted over the music. "Seriously, what is this music?"

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