23| Freddo (Or, a cold, depressive, unemotional tone)

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"I'm sorry for your loss," the doctor said.

Asuka lifted her eyes and looked at the man standing over her. Judging from his expression, he didn't mean it. Not one bit.

Asuka glared at him.

He cleared his throat. "Miscarriages can last up to two weeks. How long have you been bleeding?"

"It started around three," Asuka said thinly.

He scribbled notes on his clipboard paper. "And did you pass the fetal tissue?"

Asuka blanched. How could he? How dare he? She had watched the remnants of someone she loved wash unceremoniously down her shower drain and this asshole had the nerve to—

"You might not have known that's what it was," the doctor said when she didn't answer. He thumbed through the papers on his clipboard. "The tissue is usually expelled in pieces and—"

"I think you should be a little more sensitive to my wife's perspective," Kurama said calmly.

The doctor looked genuinely confused.

"A life was taken from my wife and I. Do not say such things so casually."

"It was only a—"

"It was never 'only'. We loved them. Unconditionally." His eyes flashed something dangerous.

The doctor swallowed. "Okay, I...uh...apologize. But if you know you did, that would be helpful."

Asuka bared her teeth and said in a barely controlled whisper as she looked down at her hands, "Yes."

"That's good. That makes it less likely she'll have complications." The Doctor now talked over her to Kurama. "But we're going to take her to do a scan and make sure. I'm glad you brought her in. We normally prefer when women come in as soon as they start experiencing miscarriage symptoms at this stage of pregnancy."

Asuka choked back a hiss.

"The nurse will be in to get her. Once the scans are complete, I'll be back to discuss the results."

The doctor finally left.

"I'm so sorry, Love," Kurama said. He placed his hand over hers and stroked it with his thumb. "And I'm so sorry you had to go through that alone."

His touch, normally so comforting, pricked like needles. She didn't want to be comforted. She didn't want him to touch her at all. Her eyes remained unfocused ahead of her because she couldn't look at Kurama right now.

There was a knock on the door before a nurse came in. "Hello, Mrs. Minamino. I'm going to take you down to the ultrasound machine."

Kurama stood but didn't let go of her hand. Too much. It was too much.

Asuka stared at the nurse until she looked back. Then, Asuka shifted her eyes to Kurama, and with the faintest of gestures, shook her head.

The nurse's eyes widened. She looked at her sheet.

"Actually, Mr. Minamino," the nurse said, "we're going to need you to stay here."

"I'm not leaving my wife."

"The room that we have reserved for her is too small for the bed, the machines, and the technician to fit into," the nurse said plainly.

"That's ridiculous," Kurama argued. "She shouldn't be there alone. Have them get a bigger room."

"The scan can't wait," the nurse said, her voice taking on a sharper tone. "You're going to have to stay here."

"I am not—"

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