24| Leitmotif (Or, a musical phrase associated with a character)

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For the first time in Kurama and Asuka's relationship—Kurama wasn't sure what to do. Citing an emergency, he'd taken off some time from work and did his best to be there for his wife.

The problem was, every attempt at comfort or companionship was met with stoic silence or a shrug. All she wanted, it seemed, was to sit with headphones.

Silent headphones.

He gave her the courtesy by pretending not to know, but it killed him.

Meanwhile, Kurama couldn't afford to stay idle. The silence rang in his sensitive ears. If he sat around, his emotions might catch up to him, and he couldn't afford that. Instead, he worked out—a lot. He also started taking calls and doing some work at home. Nothing that would require his undivided attention, but minor tasks he could focus on while being a sturdy presence for Asuka.

Oh, Asuka. That image of her curled up in the shower...he absentmindedly got on the floor and began doing pushups. He did them until his biceps burned.

He looked up and found Asuka standing in the spare bedroom doorway with a plaintive expression. He yearned to fold her into his chest. For her to finally let go and sob and scream and cry. She hadn't cried once since he found her in the bathroom.

He swallowed and then recentered his focus. "What is it, Love?" he asked gently.

"Phone call," she said, her voice even. "From your office."

He stared at her for a moment, wondering how she would explain hearing the phone if she was listening to music.

"Thank you." When stood up and took the phone from her hands, his fingers brushed over hers. She flinched, and it pained him.

"Hello?" Kurama asked.

"Hi Shuichi," his assistant said. "I'm so sorry, I know things...are hard right now, but we've got a real situation. There has been a devastating mixup with the Sento Group's accounts."

Kurama tensed. That was especially bad because Sento was their company's largest account. "Tell me in detail."

His assistant explained an accountant found several lines of discrepancy in an outgoing invoice that amounted to tens of thousands of Yen. But where the lines came from remained a mystery.

Kurama ran his fingers through his hair. Something this sloppy meant they could lose Sento—especially if they found discrepancies in other invoices.

"Your father says he needs you to come in. If we don't find where the issue came from, we'll have to tell Sento why their invoice is delayed and that other invoices may have issues."

Kurama glanced at Asuka. He couldn't leave her. He was worried about her. Even if she didn't want his loving touch or his verbal comfort, he needed to be her rock. Even if she didn't take refuge on that rock.

Asuka's face softened. "I heard what your assistant said. You should go. I'll be okay, I promise."

He didn't believe her.

"I'll ask Himari to come over so I won't be alone."

Kurama stared suspiciously.

Asuka pulled out her phone and sent a text. There was an immediate reply, which Asuka showed him.

Himari: I'll be there. Let me know if you need anything. I can stop on the way and pick it up. Coffee? Pastries?

Kurama loathed to leave his wife in such a state, but perhaps leaving was best. Maybe she didn't need him. Maybe she needed another woman to confide in. Asuka once told him Himari had multiple miscarriages. Maybe Himari could get through to her. If he wasn't at home, Asuka could speak freely.

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