4| Cuivré (Or, a rough tone)

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The weekend with Kurama had been exactly what Asuka needed. He'd kept her distracted and happy while the clock counted down to their first fertility appointment. Asuka knew Kurama was worried about her, so to help herself and him, she gave in to his efforts and enjoyed their time together.

And today, Asuka had rehearsals with the Tokyo Orchestra, which would also help distract her from the ticking clock.

In seven hours, we'll get tested. Seven more hours, Asuka thought as she entered Orchard Hall in Tokyo.

Inside, members of the orchestra were busy tuning instruments and chatting with each other. Asuka walked toward the stage. It felt good to be back and she was excited to play a concert with them.

"Asuka!" the conductor waved as she approached.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Senju!"

Several of the orchestra members put down their instruments and waved hello. Kenji stood up from his place among the cellists and came toward her.

"We're glad to have you back," Mr. Senju said. "Kenji told me all about your trip, but I have to ask; how did you like traveling through the States?"

"It was wonderful," Asuka said. "Juilliard was my favorite. We got to speak with a lot of students and spent time in the classrooms."

"I heard that your lecture on Franz Liszt and Fredrik Chopin's rivalry and friendship was very well received."

"It was," Asuka said. "The students loved it."

Kenji stood next to Asuka. "She tells it like she was there. I keep saying she should turn her lecture into a book."

"Asuka Minamino, world-renowned pianist, author, and lecturer," Senju said with a smile. "Seems fitting."

Asuka thanked him for the compliment and then went to the piano. She smiled to herself before playing a warm-up piece.

After fifteen minutes, Senju said to the orchestra, "Looks like we're ready to go. Let's get to work."

Everyone took their place.

Asuka rolled her shoulders and stretched her fingers before she settled them on the piano. Senju looked back at her. They nodded to each other, and the rehearsal began.

Playing a piano concerto with an orchestra was fun, but it took some coordination for both pianist and orchestra to understand one another. The piece also had some call-and-answer between piano and orchestra. It took time, but everyone fell into a groove.

This piano concerto was fun to play, and soon Asuka thought of nothing but the delightful sounds she was coaxing out of the piano.

When they took a break, Mr. Senju sighed. "Asuka, you are such a joy to work with."

"Thank you, Mr. Senju," Asuka said. "I love being here."

The first chair violinist flashed a smile, and they continued to rehearse.

As Asuka played, a memory of Kurama's eyes floated across her thoughts. The way he'd been staring at her while she practiced this weekend. She played in only thigh-highs as requested, but his gaze held more than just desire. The ache from their separation still hadn't been soothed and he needed her.

Oh, Kurama, Asuka thought during the Adagio portion of the piece. I am the luckiest woman alive.

As the music turned complicated, Kurama's eyes left her mind. She smiled.

After the rehearsal was over, Asuka went and sat next to Kenji as he packed his cello.

"You seemed like you were having fun," Kenji said.

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