32| Allegretto Sempre Cantabile (Or, The Final Consolation)

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Can you die of happiness?

Asuka thought she might at that singular moment when excruciating pain turns into unfathomable joy. The moment a small, pink-haired baby was set on her chest.

"She's beautiful," Kurama said with a broken voice. He leaned over Asuka and kissed her forehead, then gently kissed the baby in the same place.

When Asuka looked into Kurama's eyes, she found them full of tears. He blinked rapidly before they fell down his cheeks. "You were amazing, Asuka. So amazing."

She smiled. "Thank you."

Going to a hospital to give birth wasn't an option, even though that would've been Asuka's first choice. Instead, her holy body dictated she have a home birth with her friends supporting and coaching her through the process.

Once the baby was on Asuka's chest, all of them offered their congratulations and slipped out of the room to give her and Kurama some space.

"Kurama..." Asuka said. She choked back a happy laugh. "She's perfect."

"She is." Kurama kissed the baby's head again. "So, now that we've met her, which name should we choose?"

Asuka and Kurama had thought of several potential names but held off until they actually met their baby to make a final decision.

Asuka looked down at the baby on her chest and smiled. "The pink hair...I think it should be Rozu."

"As do I," Kurama said softly. "Hello, Rozu. Welcome to the world. You are so loved."

Asuka laughed and then wiped the tears that kept falling. The future looked so bright. After all the pain and sadness...after everything she and Kurama had gone through, they now had their own family unit.

Asuka closed her eyes, breathed deeply, and let her holy body wisp away. She sighed, grateful for the quiet in her mind. After weaving the threads of time, the future was always whispering, and it took a fair amount of concentration to block it. But now...back in her yosei body...there was finally peace.

No matter what body it is, there's always something, she mused. Asuka kissed the baby that was still on her chest. "I'm still your mom," she murmured. "And I love you so much."

Rozu snuggled further into Asuka, who closed her eyes. "I'm so tired...Kurama."

"I know. You were amazing, though. I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you, Love."

"You didn't see any of her future as you gave birth, did you?" Kurama asked.

"Nothing. She's...whatever she's going to be, whoever she's going to be, is up to her. But she'll defy gods and goddesses, kings and queens. She'll shake the foundation of the earth and be home in time for tea."

"Of course she will. She's our child," Kurama said.

Asuka chuckled. After taking another moment to acquaint Rozu with her yosei body, Asuka changed back into her holy form and called Keiko.

"Ready?" Keiko asked.

Asuka closed her eyes and nodded.

"Okay. Helping a baby to latch can be tricky at first, but you will figure it out. Kurama, pay attention so you can help Asuka when I'm not around."

He leaned over, radiating joy and love. "I'm watching."

Eventually, Rozu was latched and feeding, and Keiko left after promising to check in later.

Asuka closed her eyes again, allowing herself to drift just a little. Next to her, the bed sank as Kurama, now in his Yoko form, crawled in. He scooted close and put his face near Rozu as he draped his arm over Asuka. "I'm so happy," he whispered.

ConsolationDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora