8| Risoluto (Or, resolute)

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Kurama watched Asuka inhale deeply, then exhale for three seconds. She grabbed a portion of her tummy, squeezed the skin together, and then inserted the needle with a grimace. Patches of bruises mottled her skin across her thighs and stomach. Some were black, some were blue, and some were a sickly yellow color.

"When the doctor said it would hurt, she wasn't kidding," Asuka said after she'd finished. "Even with my pain tolerance."

Kurama walked over and embraced her. There was little else he could do. "How are you feeling?"

"Anxious," she said truthfully. "But no bouts of depression or anger. Well, ones that are out of the ordinary, anyway."

He hugged her just a little tighter. "Are you sure you're okay with me going to Kuwabara's?"

"I'm sure. Himari said she would drop off the music I'm getting from Joe Hisaishi today and I'm excited to look at it."

"All right," Kurama said. "I'll see you later this afternoon. Call me if you need anything."

"I love you," Asuka said after they'd kissed.

He ran his fingers through her hair. "And I love you."

Kurama turned and left despite the familiar tug of his heart while he did.

She's safe here, he reminded himself. The building is secure and besides the flower by the door, I've got traps by every window and a special surprise hidden near the roof access door.

Those precautions only mildly helped his paranoia, and it flared every time he left her alone.

Once outside, Kurama looked into the sky. Gentle flurries blew down and he pulled his jacket tighter to block out the cold.

Asuka had thought little about the strange incident at her concert, but he was. He hadn't been able to stop thinking about it. If someone meant to harm Asuka...or took Asuka from him, he didn't know what he would do.

I won't let anything happen to her, he thought firmly. I don't care if the entire world falls apart. I'm not giving her up. She's mine.

Some part of him hissed.

That's why he was meeting with Kuwabara and Yusuke today. He couldn't just sit around and wait for something to happen. He needed to do some detective work, and the only people he trusted were his brothers.

Yukina and Kuwabara's house was located toward the city center and was an old, traditional house surrounded by tall brick walls. Kuwabara had purchased the dilapidated house for Yukina's sake and restored it to pristine condition. Kuwabara hoped that the serene gardens he'd put so much thought and care into, plus the traditional wood layout of the house, would make her feel at home. It did, but Yukina still preferred Genkai's mountainous retreat to city life, and she and Kuwabara went up and stayed there often.

Kurama entered the passcode next to the gate, and it opened. Then he walked up to the house, slipped off his shoes, and stepped up into it.

The door slid open. "Hello, Kurama," Yukina said sweetly.

Kurama bowed his head. "Hello, Yukina."

Her belly was large and her face had rounded some. "Yusuke hasn't arrived yet," she said. "But Kuwabara is sitting in the back room. There's tea, waiting."

"Thank you. You look well, Yukina."

She absentmindedly pushed on the side of her stomach. "I'm starting to feel uncomfortable because of my size, but I do feel good." Her mouth dropped into a tiny frown.

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