17| Fantaisie-Impromptu (Or, a spontaneous fantasy)

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Asuka decided to extend her trip to Genkai's another five full days. One reason was to help Yukina, and the other reason was to train. An increasing amount of dread spurred her urgency. She needed her powers, and she needed them now.

When Asuka got home from Genkai's, she called Keiko and gave her an update, including Yukina's confrontation with Hiei.

"I wish I could've seen that," Keiko giggled.

"I don't know if it was the decade of silence from Hiei, or the postpartum pregnancy hormones, or a combination, but Yukina was in a mood and didn't hold back," Asuka said, laughing.

"Will Hiei be there when I get up to Genkai's?"

"I don't know. He was still there when I left."

"I'll make sure to tell Yusuke before I leave. I was going to head up this afternoon but my parents had something come up so I have to wait until Yusuke can take over."

"Oh," Asuka said as she unzipped her suitcase. She adjusted the phone on her ear before it slipped. "I've got a meeting at four, but other than that, I'm free. Can I help at all?"

"Thank you for offering, but it works out. Raiden's teacher wants me to stop by to talk after school."

Asuka paused. "Is everything okay?"

"Just the usual stuff," Keiko lamented. "Raiden is a good kid and doesn't hate school, but he can't sit still in the classroom. She expects perfection and it's just not realistic. I've explained that it's his ADHD and he needs fidget toys and other accommodations, but she is old. She's of the opinion that my son is lazy and if he just 'worked harder', he could be a good kid and sit still."

"That's awful," Asuka said.

"I know. After this meeting, I'm going to talk to the principal and see if we can get him switched to another class."

"That's a good idea," Asuka said. She stowed her suitcase and flopped on the bed. Her long hair fanned out behind her. "What a prick of a teacher."

"It's hard for Yusuke too," Keiko said. "Raiden is a lot like him. Back when we were teenagers, Yusuke didn't care about finishing school, but I think he regrets it now and doesn't want Raiden on the same path as him. I keep reminding Yusuke that we're both supporting Raiden and Genki, while he had just me when we were young. And that wasn't parental support."

"You're right."

"Anyway," Keiko said, "Do you have anything going on this weekend?"

"Not much," Asuka said. "If Yusuke needs a hand with the boys or if your parents can't come, tell him to call us."

"I will. Thanks, Asuka."

"Of course. How are you feeling?"

Keiko sighed. "I'm exhausted. This pregnancy is really kicking my butt. I've been losing weight from all the vomiting. Doesn't matter what time of day it is. Hopefully, by the second trimester, it'll be done with. Yusuke is worried about it."

"I'm sure."

"Well, I think I'm going to try and nap before I got to Raiden's school. Wish me luck."

"Text me with how it goes, okay?"

"I will. Love you Asuka. Talk soon."

"I love you, too. Talk soon." Asuka hung up the phone and then checked the clock. She still had some time before she needed to meet Himari, so Asuka sat at the piano to work on the Consolations and some other pieces she would perform soon.

Midway through Fantaisie-Impromptu, Asuka stopped and placed her hand on her abdomen as a wave of cramps swept over her. She huffed uncomfortably and leaned her head on the piano until it passed. So annoying! She had been getting cramps for the past few days, which was especially irritating because her period was late. At this point, she wanted it over and done with. If these cramps were any indication, this period would be filled with mood swings, bloating, and everything fun that comes with monthly bleeding.

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