10| Un Poco Mosso (Or, the second consolation)

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Asuka woke up with Kurama's muscled arm draped over her waist and his gentle breath on her neck. The clock read 4:30 am.

Egg retrieval day.

Asuka slipped out of Kurama's grasp and got out of bed. She eyed her husband with a small but appreciative smile. His milky bare chest contrasted with his black boxer briefs and his ruby hair that fanned out behind him. Asuka stooped down and planted a light kiss on his forehead. Then she went to her closet, grabbed a robe, and wrapped herself in it before she left the bedroom.

What she wanted more than anything was coffee, but she shouldn't drink any before her procedure. Asuka frowned before she reluctantly went through Kurama's stash of herbal teas. He had a special chamomile blend that he'd created for relaxation—perhaps that was best.

How would today's procedure go? How many viable eggs would they retrieve? She'd been thinking about these questions on repeat.

She'd done well with the IVF side effects until this week. Her body felt out of whack, her emotions were balanced on a pinhead and she couldn't shake the crushing exhaustion. But that had to mean something, right? That her body was responding?

She placed a hand on her abdomen. Please.

Once the water was hot, Asuka filled her mug and put the tea strainer inside. She heard soft footsteps behind her.

"Couldn't sleep, Love?" Kurama asked quietly.

Asuka turned. Kurama was now wearing sweatpants, but his chest was still bare. Her eyes wandered down the contours of his sculpted torso before returning to his eyes. "No."

He nodded and stepped closer. "You could've woken me. I would've given you a massage or kept you company."

"I know, but I wanted you to sleep. I haven't been up that long anyway. Tea?"

He smiled. "It's strange to see you drink tea in the morning."

"It feels weird."

Kurama drew Asuka in and folded his arms around her. The early morning light was just peeking through the windows, splashing across their hug.

"Will you play a song for me?" he asked.

"It's too early to play on the grand piano, but I could play on the keyboard."

"I'd like that."

Asuka followed Kurama to the second bedroom where the keyboard was. Soon, Asuka hoped she could convert this space into a nursery. The baby would sleep with her and Kurama at night, but she still wanted a place where she could nurse and the baby could sleep during the day.

Kurama sat on the guest bed while Asuka took her place at the keyboard. She sat there for a moment and thought about what piece to play.

A small smile moved across her mouth when the answer came to her. She needed something comforting before the procedure, and that "something" was Liszt. Always Liszt.

The second consolation was in E major and it soothed with its bright notes and happy tone. Asuka smiled to herself as her fingers pressed the keys. She felt like the music was saying, "It's going to be all right."

Kurama gazed at her from the bed, his face filled with adoration as always. Yet, Asuka sensed the undercurrent of his unease. She wasn't sure if it was the procedure, his worry over her dream, or a combination of both. Probably both. There was also the mysterious ki user, though Asuka hadn't given them much thought. She didn't have the energy.

Asuka turned her attention back to consolation number two. She closed her eyes and allowed her ki to hum with the music. It centered and calmed her.

When she finished playing, she looked up at Kurama. When her eyes met his, she had a revelation. "You had me play for my own benefit, didn't you?"

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