chapter 9: hatching

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(Art by DaniDraws on Twitter)

(Authors note: I forget to mention in chapter 7 that Stolas and Blitz had kids from Stolas laying eggs don't judge me the fan kids by DaniDraws on Twitter don't judge me and this is after the events of the Season 3 episode evolution).

Felicity was holding a statue of two pigs making out

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Felicity was holding a statue of two pigs making out

(Authors note: I am sorry I just wanted to make a joke)

Circuitjack: what the heck is that?

Felicity: it's two pigs making out *Snickers violently*

Loona: it's two pigs having sex

Ratchet: okay Blitz and Stolas are going to be here in 33 minutes so we should probably...

Bulkhead: wait what? We are not qualified.

Miko: yes did you see what I did with my baby practice doll Tyler *points at a fake fat baby* I left him in the car.

Caddy: that's okay right babies love cars right maybe I don't know?

Arcee: you do realize if those baby imp birds come here they'll be dead in like five seconds.

Smokescreen: yeah you can't throw it on the floor.

Loona: yeah Ratchet *stops looking at her phone* and that's all you ever did with your baby practice doll *points at a broken fucked up baby doll Ratchet left on the ground*.


Moxxie: so what are going to do with a real one?

Wheeljack: snatch its little wig?


Circuitjack: okay we need to baby proof the place we need to figure this out we need to find a wig that's small enough for her a crown a tiara and don't get them a baby agent

Bumblebee: what does a baby agent do?

Circuitjack: You look like one right now

Felicity: okay I ordered us food It's probably coming at the same time Blitz and Stolas come So don't get confused and eat the wrong one.

Miko: to be honest if you put salt on either of them I'd probably eat it.

Moxxie: you are not qualified.

Millie: to eat a child?

Felicity: to have one!!

Moxxie: this place isn't even me proofed?

Raf: yes it is we always lock the fridge before you get here *starts laughing*.

Moxxie: I'm not fat.

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