chapter 19: falling apart

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Loona: wait Optimus so you're saying that Circuitjack the other female Autobot of team prime, Felicity's guardian was actually a FUCKING DECEPTICON CLONE!!!

Circuitjack: I was a Decepticon clone in order to increase the number of Con troops for Megatron.

Wheeljack: don't take this the wrong way but weren't all the clones the male type?

Circuitjack: I was a defective clone. Maintaining all the skills I have learned from the host CNA somehow the CNA had changed and made me the female type.

Miko: demons are real, a techno-organic imp then Felicity's guardian Circuitjack turns out to be an ex Decepticon clone! Heck if there's a dimension where everything is the opposite I'd believe it!

Jack: I'd believe it too right Arcee... Arcee?

Arcee: Circuitjack...

Circuitjack: I'm sorry I lied to you I was going to tell you everything eventually I just didn't know how.

Circuitjack then tries to comfort Arcee until Arcee slapped her hand being completely full of wrath.

Circuitjack: Arcee!?

Arcee: YOU LIED TO US!!! YOU LIED ABOUT EVERYTHING!!! You grabbed my hands looked me straight in the optics and told me "revenge can never bring Cliffjumper back" but I was in a point where I could trust anyone!

Bulkhead: Arcee we couldn't have known.

Arcee: No! You guys never know what is going on! That's what I am for!!!

Circuitjack: Arcee?...

Arcee: but with Circuitjack I never denied her I trusted her I let her make fools of us all!!!

Arcee walked towards the ground bridge and tried to leave.

Jack: Arcee let's just talk about this okay let's just talk.

Arcee: about what? On how part of this team we call a family is based on a lie! What else is there to say?

Arcee then transformed into her vehicle mode and drove through the ground bridge portal probably to go to Cliffjumper's memorial.

Once everyone followed her through the ground bridge they all saw her at Cliffjumper's memorial looking like she was crying Loona ran to her to try to comfort Arcee.

Arcee: everything we were fighting one was right there all along using us for the war smiling at us with those beautiful purple eyes. Circuitjack made me see a hopeful future no one could see. That's because it wasn't real and here we are out friends dead and lost. Of course she was a decepticon what a long road she took... To torture us like this.

Octavia: you know it's not like that. You know Circuitjack didn't want anyone to get hurt.

Arcee: I don't know that! I clearly don't know anything!!!

Circuitjack: you deserve to know everything one after I was the 23rd clone made I tried my best to serve Lord Megatron but I felt like... It was wrong.

The scene then cuts to a flashback back when Circuitjack was DR-23 and was working for Megatron.

DR-23: do you ever think that working for Megatron is kinda dull?

DR-22: no.

Decepticon: DR-23 Megatron has requested your presence at the comms room.

DR-23: I'm on my way *turns off comlink* if I'm not back in two hours I'm either killed by an autobot or Shockwave's new lab rat.

transformers prime helluva boss crossover Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin