The wine effect?

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The board of directors as well as those other doctors and staff involved in the management of Mrs. Walters were inside the conference room. Matt fidgeted in his seat as they wait for Mr. Walters and his lawyer. Sarah placed her hand over his.
Sarah: You'll do fine. They don't have a case against you.
Matt: Thanks. (Nervously smiles at her)
Mr. Walters entered with his lawyer, followed by Dr. Morrison.
Dr. Morrison: Good morning everyone! I guess we can start now since both parties already present. Atty. Sawyer, you can start first.
Atty. Sawyer: Good morning! My client, Mr. Walters, is filing a case against Dr. Matthew Fernan. Dr. Fernan told my client that he need to operate on his wife. It is a matter of life and death situation. My client understood it that the surgery will be the endpoint and everything will be well with his wife. My client signed the consent with full trust on Dr. Fernan's abilities. When the surgery finished, Dr. Fernan talked with my client that the surgery was successful. However, 24 hours post operation Mrs. Walters developed fever and the surgical site showed discharges. During this time, my client talked to Dr. Fernan and was told that this resulted from Mrs. Walters' diabetes.
Another doctor which is an infectious disease specialist was called and the patient was given antibiotics. My client asked for an explanation but Dr. Fernan was not around that time. Several times that my client asked for an explanation of all the things that happened but it seems that Dr. Fernan is not around most of the time.
Sarah: My client, Dr. Fernan made sure that you're client was properly informed of the patient's situation. It is written in every detail in the patient's record that every problem encountered was addressed and properly managed. It so happen that everytime my client was available it seems that Mr.Walters was not around. My client is a surgeon. He can only spare time in between surgeries but he is capable enough to oversee all patients under his service. What happened to Mrs. Walters is usually beyond one's control. Mr. Walters, I know that it really feels bad to lose someone but I know in your heart, you feel that Dr. Fernan made the right calls.
Mr. Walters (shakes his head): I'm sorry attorney. Dr. Fernan has been great from the start. It really hurts when you just lose someone you have been with for the past 40 years. You have been used to see her smile, hear her laugh, feel her hug and enjoy her warmth. I love my wife so much! I just thought that maybe Dr. Fernan was not able to do his best. If any other thing that should have been done to save my wife, I intend to look for answers. (He started to cry)
Matt: Mr.Walters, I'm really sorry about your wife. I did the best I could.
Mr. Walters: Have you ever lost someone you love doctor? (Matt nods and looked at Sarah) Then you know how I feel.
Matt: I know exactly how you feel Sir. It's like your whole world crumbled. It took me years to get over it. It is not exactly the same situation as yours but a loss is a loss. You just have to realize that everything happens for a reason and God will help you to move on. I took my oath as a doctor and I am here to do what's best for my patient. Believe me sir... I did the best I could... But some matters are out of my hand. We, doctors, are also humans. We are just mere instruments of God to heal the sick but there are just some things that happen that we can't explain. I'm truly sorry for your loss.
Mr. Walters kept quiet for a while except for soft sobs. He looked up and stared into Matt's eyes.
Mr. Walters: I guess I am still in denial Dr. Fernan. I see you're a very good doctor. It's just I feel angry why it has to be wife. I even question God for letting this happen. I just want some answers why it happened. If we review the records and find nothing wrong with it and so be it.
The patient record of Mrs. Walters was brought in and the staff were made to answer some questions in the course of events. After thorough review and investigation, it showed that there was no loophole in the management. Mr. Walters and his lawyer had a discussion for a few minutes.
Atty. Sawyer: My client has fully understood about his wife's case and believe as of this time that Dr. Fernan did the best he could to save his wife. So there will no longer be a case to be filed. Thank you.
Matt stood up and hugged Sarah (whispering thank you). After shaking Dr. Morrison's
hand, he went to Mr. Walters and hugged him.
Matt: Thank you Sir. Again, I am really sorry for your loss.
Mr. Walters: Thank you doctor. I am really sorry it has come to this. I know you are a very good doctor. (They shook each other's hands)
Sarah smiled as they look at them. She's happy that it's all over for Matt.
Matt: Hey! What are you smiling about?
Sarah: Nothing. Happy lang ako for you.
Matt: Kailangan natin magcelebrate! Are you free tonight?
Sarah: Aren't you suppose to celebrate this day with Marj?
Matt: She's out of town for a conference. Don't worry it won't be just us. I'll invite the other guys. See you at 6pm? I will text you.
Sarah: Ok. Sige na nga.
Matt was waiting for her outside a bar just near the hospital. He was nervous and thought she might never show up. He smile when he saw her.
Matt: Hi! I thought you will never come. Let's go in.
Sarah (smiled): I gave my word. So where is everyone? (She looked around for a familiar face)
Matt: Oh...ah well Tim has surgery, Mark can't come because it's his girlfriend's birthday, Barbara has family plans.... So it's just us. (Scratches his head)
Sarah (eyed him suspiciously): Are you serious? Or you just planned this?
Matt (laughed nervously): No really! Totoo... I invited them.
Sarah: So alam ni Marj?
Matt: She knows that I am out to celebrate. Sarah, really.... We are just two friends out for a celebratory drink.
Sarah was left with no choice. It was supposedly one drink but they drank a whole bottle of wine. She might not admit it but she was enjoying his company.
Matt: Alam mo hindi ka pa rin nagbabago. You have the same infectious laugh.
Sarah (laughs): Really?! And ikaw rin napapatawa mo pa rin ako with your corny jokes. Naparami ha yata ako ng inom. Kahit corny na tawa pa rin ako ng tawa.
Matt: Hindi pa. I already ordered another bottle.
They drank a little more and talked about anything and everything.
Sarah: May plano ka bang lasingin ako? Ikaw talaga (laughs) Is it just me or it's getting hot in here (removed her outer coat and revealed her sleeveless black top and let her hair down)
Matt can't help but stare at her. She looks beautiful. It was just a simple sleeveless black top but when her soft curls frame her angelic face with slightly rosy cheeks because of the alcohol and her cherry colored lips.... She is gorgeous.
Sarah: Hey hey Matt!!! (Waving a hand at him) Are you ok? La...lasing ka na ba?
Matt: Huh?! Sorry. (Gulped his drink)
Sarah: Ba....Bakit ganyan ang tingin mo sa akin...Dr. Matthew Fernan? (She combed her hair back using her right hand - Gosh that she looks hot! - he thought)
Matt (swallowed hard): Nothing! Ah... Look I have to go to the bathroom. Will you be ok? Sandali lang. Call of nature.
Sarah: Ok (smirks)
Matt's POV
I have to escape..... I can even stop staring at her. Think straight dude! You have a girlfriend.... You can't cheat on her... Especially with your ex. He looked in the mirror and thought I was never really over her. Marj is just the girl who I thought the right for me but seeing Sarah once again made me realize... It is still her all this time. I have to make this right.
He saw a blond guy talking to Sarah while she giggles on whatever he said. She is really drunk. The guy moves a little closer and Matt walks faster towards them.
Matt: Hey Sarah! I guess we have to go.
Sarah: Hi Matty boy! I was just talking to Chad. Chad, right? Do we really have to go?
Matt (pulls her up): Dude, sorry but I have to bring home my girl. (He said to the blond guy)
Chad: Oops Sorry man. I thought she's alone. Nice to meet you Sarah.
Sarah: Nice to meet you too. Oops! (Fell off balance as Matt helps her up and she laughed hard) Sorry. You.... You don't have to help me. Ka..Kaya ko!
Matt: No hindi mo kaya. Alam ko hindi ka sanay uminom. I'll drive you home. (He helped her with her coat)
When they reached her apartment, he helped her going up the stairs and opened it with her keys. As the went inside, he helped her lie down on her sofa. Matt shakes his head and went to the kitchen to get some ice.
Matt: Sarah.... Sarah.... Where do you put your towels?
Sarah (tried to open her eyes): Huh? Wa...what? Can you pour me more wine please hon?
Matt just looked at her. She's really drunk. He went to look for a towel and found a clean kitchen towel from the cabinets. He placed a make-shift ice bag using the towel on her forehead. She turned towards him and held his arm.
Sarah (mumbled): Hon, I still love you.....
Matt: Huh? (Did I hear it right?) Sarah? Honey? (He caressed her cheek and he heard her breathing soundly asleep)
He moved closer and kissed her cheek.
Matt (whispered): I still love you too Hon.
He wrote a note and left it on her table. As much as he wanted to stay with her, he can't. He has to fetch Marj at the airport early morning tomorrow. Marj..... He has to set things straight. Not everyone has a second chance to make things right. He looked back as Sarah sleeping soundly on her sofa before he went out her apartment.

Sorry for a super late update 😁
I ran out of ideas 😂 Hindi ko alam kung and dapat ang title ng chapter na to 😁
Fast forward ko na next to starting all over again.
I'm open to suggestions guys.

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