A major crush?

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Matt and Sarah flew to the U.S. after a week. They had a short honeymoon trip to Tagaytay and had to fly for Matt has to finish his training program. Everything is going smooth so far but after 2 weeks Sarah seems to be getting tired of the routine.
Sarah: Sis, nababagot na ko dito. (Tells Shin through Skype) Sanay last akong may trabaho. I never thought na ganito pala maging plain housewife and to think 2 weeks pa lang.
Shin: Di bale sis mabilis lang yong 2months. Honeymoon stage pa naman kayo. Kapit lang.
Sarah: Ewan ko ba. I think I need something to do para hindi ma bore.
Shin: You should go to a gym or enroll in dancing classes. Magiging healthy ka pa.
Matt: Honey, I'm home! (Calls out as he enters their apartment)
Sarah: Hi Hon! Makatawag ka naman parang ang laki ng apartment (smiles) Here I made something for dinner.
Matt: Hmmm.... Smells good. You made adobo!
Sarah: Nagpunta ako sa Filipino store and bought some things. I checked the recipe  though the internet. Hope it turns out ok.
Matt (pulls her close and kissed her lips): Hmmmm..... Maybe we should eat later. Parang iba ang gusto ko.
Sarah: Hon! (Smiles and slightly pushed him away) I can't finish doing this if you keep doing that. Here sit. (Pulls away from him and pulls a chair) I will prepare your food my master.
Matt (laughs): Hon, Baka masanay na ko na pinagsisilbihan. Wait... May kailangan ka ba? (Raised one eyebrow)
Sarah (laughs): Pinagsilbihan lang kita may kailangan agad.
Matt (pulls her and sit her on his lap): Come here. (Hugged her by her waist) Look just less than 2 weeks then I will finish my training. We go home to the Philippines and live there. Then we start building a family of our own. Ok?
Sarah: Hon, I'm not complaining. It's just that I get bored here doing nothing. Pagnaglinis naman ako it only took some time dahil maliit lang ang apartment....then marami na akong free time. Can I enroll in gym classes 2 blocks from here? Nakita ko kanina when I went out. Nag inquire na ko and they even have dance and aerobics classes. Can I?
Matt (smiled and kissed her hand): Of course you can. Maganda din yan for you mas lalo kang magiging sexy. (Pulls her close and kissed her passionately)
Sarah (gave out a soft moan as Matt pushed his tongue in): Hmmmm....wait (pulls out and pushed him lightly) Hon, let's eat first then we will freshen up together (winks at him)
Matt (leans over and tried to kiss her again): Can we just miss dinner?
Sarah: Hep hep....later. We have all night (kissed him quickly on the lips and stood up)
Sarah went into the gym as soon as it opens. Matt left early for surgery and didn't even had the time to eat breakfast. She came in just in time for 8am aerobics class.
Girl 1: Hi! You're new here right? I'm Anna. (A blond girl Smiles and extends her hand)
Sarah (smiles): I'm Sarah. Yes I'm new here. (She shook her hand and find Anna to be friendly)
Anna: It's good to see new faces here. I practically knew everyone since I have been here for almost 5 years. I live just a few blocks from here.
Sarah: How many are there usually for this class?
Anna: Since it's Friday usually it's about 20 or more. Especially when Ron is in charge of the class. He is one hot guy! I tell you....and speaking of the devil here he comes. (She looked wide-eyed on someone behind Sarah)
Sarah turned around and was face to face with a handsome creature. Matthew, her husband, is handsome but this guy really make you feel warm all over....she blushed.
Ron: Hi Anna! (Nodded to Anna) You must be the new addition to the class (flashed her a smile with very nice teeth) Nica already gave me a heads up that someone new will join us....and you are?
Sarah: Ahhmmm...I...I'm Sarah. (Blushed even more....for Pete's sake....you're married Sarah...she reminded herself)
Ron: Sarah...what a beautiful name. My favorite cousin is named Sarah (extend his hand and she took it for a handshake) Ok places everyone. We will start in a short while. Enjoy Sarah! (Gave her a wink)
Anna: Earth to Sarah! Hey....you can close your mouth now (chuckles)
Sarah: Oh God! Am I that obvious? (Giggles) He is really hot! I agree with you. Is he not gay?
Anna: No! Definitely not. But he can be a flirt. He even had few flings with some of us here but not me. I'm engaged! (Showing off her ring) Careful dear.... It looks like he has the hots for you now.
Sarah looked to where Anna has been looking and she caught him watching her. He flashed her a dazzling smile again and she shyly smiled back.
Sarah: I just got married (she whispered to Anna who just grinned)
The class turned out to be a complete work out. They had a session of hiphop abs. Ron turned out to be a great dancer. He is graceful yet so manly. Sarah tried to concentrate on the routine but most of time caught him throw glances at her. After an hour of the dance routine, everyone reached for their towels and had a drink of water.
Anna: You're a great dancer Sarah.
Sarah: Thanks. You're great too. I never thought dancing could make me sweat this hard. Your fiancé works near here?
Anna: Yes. Actually, he is a police officer. We are living in together for about a year now but we practically grew up together. We are neighbors and we had several relationships before until we realized that we are meant for each other.  We will have our wedding next month. That's exactly why I work out a lot these days for me to look good in my wedding dress (smiles) I own a bookshop just around the corner.  How about you? You just got married?
Sarah: Yes (smiles) Almost a month. My husband is about to finish his medical training and we are going back to our place....in the Philippines.
Anna: Oh...your husband is a doctor? (Sarah nodded) I have some friends from the Philippines and I even tasted some of your dishes. My favorite so far is adobo.
Sarah (laughs): Almost every American I know who tasted adobo loves it. Are you heading home?
Anna: No. I will go to the bookshop. You want to go with me? We also serve coffee (smiles)
Sarah: Sure! Maybe I can find a good read there. Matt is usually at work until dinner and I don't really have anything to do. I could read a book.
Anna: Perfect! Let's go?
Ron: Hey girls! Are you going home now? (Looks at Sarah and smiled) So how did you find the class?
Sarah: It was fun but really tiring. (Smiles)
Ron: You are a great dancer Sarah. Would you girls like to join me for coffee?
Anna: Sorry Ron but Sarah and I have other plans (she rolled her eyes and pulled Sarah away from him) you better watch out. He can be such a flirt! (She whispered)
Sarah (smiles): Don't worry. I love my husband so much.

Author's note:

.............. Sorry guys. I had a brain drain. No idea what's up next.
   I just thought of a conflict on Sarah's side now.

Second Time AroundTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon