Prologue: { Into the void }

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{ POV }
{ Coffee person }


I was having such a peaceful sleep until some random person started shaking me rapidly as if panicked. I quickly opened my eyes and sat up, groaning loudly.

"The fuck do you want?!" I shouted, visibly annoyed until I figured out who was shaking me.

Mike was panting a lot with a panicked face. I looked at him confusingly. "Mike? What's-" 

Before I could complete my question, he quickly grabbed my wrist and dragged me out my room while I struggled to keep my balance, I just woke up from a good sleep. "Mike! What the hell are you doing? Also, I can walk! I have legs for a reason!" I yelled louder, trying to get Michael's attention.

He quickly let's go of my hand and turned around to face me. "Right- You haven't seen what's going on.." He muttered, walking over to the nearest window and pushes the curtains to the side, revealing the outside world.. in shambles.

I slowly covered my mouth, eyes widening in shock. "Holy shit." I whispered under my breath.

Everything looked like it came out of a chaotic fever dream. The sky was blurple, and the ground.. it was entirely purple. Hell, the trees are an eye-burning neon pink. 

I walked over to the window to get a closer look as I moved my eyes to the ground.

What.. the fuck? Some chunks of the fucking ground are floating in the air.. and underneath them was the literal void. It was purple? Kind of?

A voice interrupts my thoughts, moving my attention to my brother. 

"Should we.. go out there? Figure out what in the world is happening?" He questioned and stared at me, waiting for a reply.

I looked at him with a "What the fuck" face. "Seriously? When chunks of the ground is literally up in the air? We could fall anytime into that fucking void!" I refused. 

One thing I just noticed though; Both our bodies were flickering and glitching.

I lifted my hand and stared at it, a bit scared, since I'm literally witnessing my hand disappear and appear over and over again.

Mike also lifted his hand. "I assume we're getting deleted, and there's nothing we can do." He muttered.

I hesitantly nodded in agreement.

I don't know what type of hell or danger I was gonna get into, but curiosity always got the better of me; I passed by my brother and grabbed his wrist, bringing him to the door and opened it. "Let's just be dumbasses then and go out there."

He stared at my confusingly but still allowed my to drag him outside.

I slowed down and looked around in disbelief. The world was truly in shambles.. trees were even floating.

Not so far from our house, there was chunks of the ground that formed in a formation of a parkour.

..Why not? The world literally looks like it's coming to an end.

I walked to the area with Mike following behind, making him panic as I jumped from chunk to chunk.

"██████! What are you doing?!" Mike called out for me, jumping on a chunk until he arrived onto the chunk I'm on.

I stood almost at the edge of the chunk, observing the void even though it's just an empty.. void. Nothing to look at. "I don't know, you said we we're getting deleted, so why not mindlessly spend the rest of our remaining time on something?"

"I assumed." He replied almost instantly. Well, yeah, he wasn't really sure if we actually are..

I never really care if I died or not.

We stayed there in silence for a few minutes, until a sense of dread showered onto me.

..Sudden dread, it was coming from my brother. I slowly turned my head to glance at him, who's right behind me, smiling creepily.

"Uh.. what's with the weird grin?"  I asked, my voice a bit shaky as I waited for a response.

"You know.. I've experienced falling into the void before." He paused, giving an ominous vibe. "It's not fair that you weren't there for me, nor did you fall too." His grin fell into a slightly enraged expression.

I turned my body around, trying not to slip off. "The fuck are you talking about? Quit your sick joke-"

I was genuinely confused, what's with the sudden villain vibe?

But the next thing I knew, something pushed me into the void.

( RE-WRITE IN PROGRESS) Evade ShenanigansWhere stories live. Discover now