11: { ..Well that's not normal + Military Incursion }

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{ POV }
{ Coffee }


I haven't been feeling very well lately.

Someone wouldn't just start coughing rapidly out of nowhere.. or my coffee addiction side effects are finally kicking in.

Or I'm just overthinking.. it'll probably go away, I have some other stuff to deal with.

Like how incredibly suspicious both Leo and Dexter have been.

I see those two fucking eyes staring at each other every now and then.

There's no absolute way I'm third wheeling everyone, nope.

We're back in the Seraph Research map, everyone's scattered in the map while I'm just relaxing by the windows in the buildings. We all were waiting for the time to go down, it's already the third round.



I counted in my head.


Gunshots in the distance startled me as the timer ended, I looked around in the window frantically and see bullets launching in every direction. I look up.

Special Round
Military Incursion

The UEC isn't here to save you now...

"( What the fuck!? When did this place have a fucking military based special round?! )" My breathing started to fasten as I look out the window, spotting Matthew and Dexter.. covered in blood.

I cover my mouth and cursed under my breath, they both look up the window at me and I motioned for them to get their god damn asses here.

I watch them run off and hear doors banging, startling me again. God, the gunshots seem like they never end. 

If they're military based.. wouldn't that mean they take a human appearance? Would that include having the ability to barge doors open.. 

I can feel panic starting to flood over me until the door of the room I'm in fucking flew across, making me jump.

I watch Matthew and Dexter sprint into the room and collapse on the ground in exhaustion, still conscious thankfully.

We hear more doors being banged in the distance as it got louder and louder.

"When- How- What?!" I question, unable to form sentences.

Matthew chuckled nervously and turned around to face me. "Ahaha- I'm guessing you haven't experienced this special round yet..?"


Matthew quickly stands up and tries to calm me down. "Aaah- Don't worry- They're not that fast nor smart enough to get up here-"

A flash of pink, yellow and blue sprinted into the room, startling the three of us. Everyone was here now.

Everyone looking like they just went through a fucking massacre, bloody and traumatized.

( RE-WRITE IN PROGRESS) Evade ShenanigansWhere stories live. Discover now