18: { ..So you're telling me..- }

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{ POV }
{ Third Person }


"Fuck you."

"I hope you dissolve into dead atoms."

"I hope your coffee goes cold every morning and when it's boiling hot to spills on your face and burns you alive."

"I hope when you wear your mask it sticks to your face until it merges with it and rots against your skin."

Dexter and Coffee continued to bicker with quite deep words with Matthew watching the whole thing.

Matthew sighed, crossing his arms and leaned on a wall. "I don't think they'll get along again." 

Alex, who was beside Matthew, nodded in agreement. "We can just hope they don't start shooting each other."

"..Yeah, that'll definitely be a problem considering the situation right now." Matthew looked out a window. "Speaking of the situation, it got worse." He steps forward and placed a hand on the window, his expression shifting into a frown.

"Speaking of it, what are those?" Alex turned his body around and pointed at something outside. Matthew follows the direction to where Alex was pointing at and saw.. something in the air? A few centimeters from the ground, it resembled a portal with smudged edges or a paint like image. It's a bit difficult to describe.

Inside was.. a map of the Arid Ruins? And of course, it was glitching.

"I don't even know.. why does it have the Arid Ruins map in it though?" Matthew turned around as well and stared at the portal like thing for a while. "Should we inspect it?"

"What kind of question is that?" Alex exploded into a laugh, causing both Coffee and Dexter to stop bickering— or pre-fight argument— and look at Alex. "Let's just go straight through it!" Then, he took off.

"Wh— ALEX!" Matthew chases after Alex, leaving the two monochrome individuals alone.

"..Should we like.. go after them?" Coffee pointed her thumb at the duo's direction.

"Fuck yourself, don't ask me." Dexter spat in the most harsh tone possible and immediately chased after Matthew and Alex.

"You fuck-eyed asshole!" Coffee exclaims in an offended tone and chased after them.

After a while of running, the both of them slows down in front of the portal. Sora, Meraki and Cupid were discussing among themselves, and Matthew luckily held onto Alex and desperately tries to prevent him from running into it while Leo helps.

While everyone was busy, Coffee stared at the portal in silence for a few moments. Without anyone noticing, she starts to take a few steps towards it until she was a few inches away.

She squinted her eyes a bit as she saw something in the Ruins running around. It was a flash of bright pink, identical to Alex's colour.

Then, someone bumped straight to her. "YOU FUCKING—"

Coffee and the unknown individual lands on the floor next to each other, a bit dizzy from the fall. Everyone turned their heads and went dead silent, a hint of shock and disbelief on their faces.

( RE-WRITE IN PROGRESS) Evade ShenanigansTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon