6: { Public servers }

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{ POV }
{ Third Person }


Coffee sat on a bench that faced the ocean in the Crossroads map, fidgeting with the string of her hoodie while the soothing noise of the ocean and the wind calmed her.

Leo and Sora both sat on top of the small castle, speaking with one another about starts, planets and astrology.

Alex and Dexter were discussing while inspecting that machine on the hill.

While Matthew was looking through the menu panel, exploring other options.

Everything was quiet and calm, like a regular Sunday afternoon, just chill and relaxing.

While Matthew was scrolling through random options, he spotted a certain button that had a label 'Evade.'

He blinked once, twice, and multiple times. Confused and curious, he hovered his hand over to the button and pressed it to be presented with a large text that said 'Evade' and a green button that had the play symbol.

He exhaled, curiosity rising as he called the others. "Guys! Come over here real quick and look at this." He yelled, looking back at the panel as the others quickly arrived beside him.

"What's that?" Coffee questioned, raising a brow. "Evade.. isn't that like.. the one we're in right now?"

Matthew nodded, clicking the button that said 'servers' and slowly scrolled down, multiple faces of other players showing up.

He took the time to process the discovery, then his eyes lit up and turned around to the group. "I'm such a dumbass! These are public servers!" He exclaimed, a hint of excitement in his voice.

Sora tilted his head, hugging his book tighter. "Public.. servers?"

Matthew nodded. "Haha.. I forgot that I'm the only one here with more knowledge of the menu and stuff." He brought the panel in front of the group and scrolled down further. "Public servers are.. well.. servers, but with random people! Right now, we're in my private server, which means we're the only ones playing at the moment."

"But.. what if we joined a public one?" He added. "It's been  a while since I joined one! You guys can come along too!"

Dexter crossed his arms. "Random people? Strangers? Really? And why are we tagged along?" 

"Because I am well aware that you guys haven't experienced being in a public server, so this can be your first time!" He smiled. "Come on, just this once? The people are really nice and funny, trust me!"

The others exchanged glances and mumbles, eventually nodding to Matthew, who perked up brightly.

"Perfect!" He exclaimed again, approaching to the group to get nearer as he pressed the green play button, and everything went black.





{ POV }
{ Coffee }


I wake up to a mild headache, opening my eyes as I find myself laying down on the Drab map. I quickly stand up and felt dizzy for a moment before it faded off, I focus on my surroundings, watching as people sprint by.

Those.. those aren't Matthew or the others.

It was actually other players.

Until I spotted a familiar blue figure.

"Sora!" I called out, sprinting towards him as he stopped in his tracks and turned around. "Have you seen the others?"

Sora nods. "We've been looking for you, did you wake up just now?" 

"Yeah. Where are they?"

Sora gestured to follow, he started running off as I followed behind.

As we arrived to that orange toblerone shaped hill, we finally reunited.

"Hope you guys have fun!" Matthew waves his hand before drinking a can of cola and flew off to revive other people, leaving us.

I look at the others, clueless of what to do. "First off, I hate people." I spat out, backing up as I went behind Dexter; Basically the tallest of the group.

They all nodded in agreement, except for Alex. 

Me, Dex, Leo and Sora were absolute introverts who would scream 'no' to socialization and people, adopted by two extroverts; Alex and Matthew.

Leo sucked in a sharp breath and drank a cola can, throwing it to the side and headed off to revive people.

I glanced at Alex, seeing him chit-chat with the other players.

I look to my side to see that Dexter and Sora literally left me, so now I'm left alone.

..This'll be fun. 

{ Time skip until the round is about to end }

I parted ways as Alex, who was talking to me for a moment, went to the opposite direction. 

As I head to my location, I heard someone yell 'The round is almost over!' from a near distance. I sighed in relief, wondering when Matthew will bring us back.

When I started to focus on my surroundings again, I realized that I came back to the orange part of the map. I leaned my back against the wall and crossed my arms, waiting for the round to end.

Of course, I observed the other people that ran by or stood nearby.

Most of them looked like they went through 5 year long wars.. or 10 massacres in fact, they had bandages and blood.

..Well.. so do I.

At least some of them were normal looking with casual clothes, balanced with monotonous colors and neon bright colors, a regular attire, compared to me who's all greyscaled.

I traced my view onto a different direction and caught someone staring at me from afar, face rather darkened and dull. 

This.. random individual.. didn't seem so happy with me being here.

We both stared at each other for a moment, I started to think if I should just avert my gaze else where or approach the person and ask if something is troubling her, until I saw her mouth move.

'You aren't supposed to be here.'






{ Hey there! I honestly don't know how they'd be able to access public servers and still not be aware of being in a game and being fictional characters, but blah blah blah, non-sense story plots :sparkles: }
{ I also won't be publishing any chapters next weekend, probably because I have a lot of assignments and projects to catch up on since I keep on forgetting to do them, but I'll be back with some.. interesting doodles. Cya! Have a great day/night! }

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