14: { Imposter }

25 0 0

{ POV }
{ Third Person }


Coffee ran up the triangle on the orange part of the Drab map and flung herself over to the opposite side where the green part is, she took out her timer and glanced at the time.


She sighed in relief and stood there until the timer went down, their visions fading into white and disappearing as she finds herself in a different area.

It was now the third round, she luckily bought some barriers and teleporters since Angry Munci has been frequent these days. (no srsly every server i join i always join when its angry munci pls)

She looked at the timer and noticed that the round was about to end. She puts it away and sprinted off to god knows where.

This round felt odd, very odd.

She spots two shades of pink in the distance, as she got closer she finds Alex trying to get Cupid off him.

"C'mon! It's been a while! Let me hug you!" Cupid whined, earning a groan from Alex.

"Get off me you idiot!" Alex yells, pushing Cupid away.

Coffee watched the two argue, unaware that there were 5 second left.

She sighs, appraoching the two to stop a scene from happening. "Alright that's en-"

Special Round

The three went silent, giving each other alerted glances.

Coffee backed up and turned around, searching her inventory for the rifle. Unfortunately, for her, she doesn't have it.

Which was honestly worse.

She turned around and saw the two looking through their inventory too, but failed to find a rifle.

"Well, that answers it." Alex shrugged.

They all stood there awkwardly until gunshots were fired in the distance, startling the three and went to look.

They spotted Matthew holding his bloody arm while sprinting off in a panic.

The three looked at each other with worry and ran into their own directions.

Well, Cupid did.

Coffee and Alex ran off somewhere far from the gunshots. It prolonged for a bit until everything went silent.

Alex lifted his hand and opened the player menu.

Matthew and Dexter are dead, most likely spectating the two.

Gunshots fired again.

Cupid died.

"Aha.. we are so dead." Coffee crossed her arms and looked around.

"It's either Meraki or Leo." Alex replied. "Let's keep going-"

"No- Don't let your dumbass self run right towards the imposter. We're running out of bandages." She protested.

( RE-WRITE IN PROGRESS) Evade ShenanigansOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant